They should never expand on Gaunter O'Dimms character. Here is the reason (spoilers for Hearts of Stone and The Shining comparisment).

They should never expand on Gaunter O'Dimms character. Here is the reason (spoilers for Hearts of Stone and The Shining comparisment).

It's pretty safe to assume that O'Dimm is actually the devil or at least something very close to this or a very powerful demon. However his last words translated are, something like

"You are primitive.
You think you've defeated me but you are wrong.
I can't be killed, I will be back"

Will he return? I say no and I really hope he doesn't. First there are several things that speaks against him returning. These are:

One is that usually when a malicious entity is banished, he is gone for several hundreds or maybe even thousands of years.

The other is, that if he returns, I believe that would actually take away the fear we have of him, since knowing more about him and what he truly is, would make the terrifying factor about him go away. Kinda like when you have seen the monster in it's full glory, it actually isn't that scary anymore.

And third, I don't believe he has an interest in world domination affairs. He is a pactmaker and what he does is gamble with people's souls. I really believe that is it. He actually just does what is considered justice, bringing bad people to their inevitable fates. He is a natural part of the universe, nothing more. I don't believe he could be a main antagonist, since he is quite similar to fire, a force of nature.

Here is the reason I believe he should't return, no matter what:

One of my favorite movies is "The Shining" by Stanley Kubrick. Even though King didn't like the movie I actually believes that the movie is that much greater than the book.

As all Kubrick movies goes, you cannot stop watching and what is actually going on ? Is it all going on in Jack Torrance head? Has he actually killed Danny and Wendy? Or is the hotel actually a living entity that has swallowed Jack Torrance? Maybe an entity that trancends time and space, which would explain the 1921 foto at the end.

I have always been particular fond of the theory that the hotel actually is something of an eternal entity, maybe even evil incarnate (as Master mirror) and that it swallows it's victims, making them trapped in this purgatory for all eternity. As Grady says "I should know sir. I've always been here". Really fascinating stuff.

If they were to make a sequel to the movie and explain it all, it would lose all of this and that would be a great pity. Same goes with Hearts of Stone. What do you think ?
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I sometimes play with the idea of Gaunter actually returning to cyberpunk.. (hope i dont get rekt too bad here :) Theres been discussion already about Ciri visiting there.. He was in a world that had space ships and stuff.
I mean, im sure mirrors sell in the future also? Can´t question the logic there :D
He wasn't "banished", he banished himself because the game rules stated that, he had both Olgeird and Geralt at his mercy all the time, but because of his immense power, he only finds entertainment in games where he purposefully handicaps himself, or else he had the power to just take Olgeird's soul whenever he wanted to, but that would be boring for him.

He is just a very very bored powerful entity, but I agree, if he is in another CDPR game it would be pointless.
He's basically a djinn. So he can be beat. Whether he can be killed, I'm not about to take his word for fit.
I don't think you have to worry about them making a sequel to The Witcher 3 anytime soon, let alone Hearts of Stone. I am sure that is the last that we have seen of Gaunter O'Dimm. CDPR has moved on to other things.
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