Things that made you feel immersed

Of course there are (lots of) things which kind of break/ruin/distract from being immersed,
but how do I get immersed?

- Flavour stuff really, even if it's scripted in the stories itself.
- Being able to sit down and relax or with someone to talk to (best examples would be Jackie or Takemura)
- or beautiful shots and dialogue with important persons (Judy), or when you get fired up before a fight/heist etc, like the Nomad "path"
- Being adressed or dismissed because of certain things. as someone mentioned before: when you're not dressed correctly or look like someone unfitting for the location.
- Also small interactions with the world and/or the people (while sitting down or sth)

Good example for my own immersion was the talk in Toms Diner with Takemura, getting hit by Johnny in the beginning lets me feeling like "DUDE WTF, FUCK YOU!", having a whiff with dum dum, any kind of stuff that lets you bond with either the character or the world.

Hell, what about sitting down in a bar, watching TV that talks about somethign you were involved with and then let people around you comment on that.
Dunno, maybe you were told to breach and sneak into some building and then someone is drinking away his sorrow, because he got fired because you were able to break in.
Or that someone lost a loved one in an attack, or someone hoping that their family is still alright, because they were visiting the scene on that day.
This would not only add immersion (imho), but also make you take a look and maybe lets you reflect unto your own actions.
This stuff is not mandatory, but it would enhance ones experience a lot if you get a chance to experience it.
It's the same with the datachips, the mails and forums they added in the PC which you can browse. it's not that much, but it adds a lot. (example would be the river questline where you are "hunting" the mental piper who abducts teens, where you find the hidden homepage, you can click on the different releases/books or what it was and take a look at some comments and their behavior regarding the topics discussed there.)
Dialogues with key characters. Everything up close and so real. What I also love is how music changes during certain conversations, it adds dramatic effect and makes you think "Oh shit, this is important". Those were the best moments that made me feel like I am V.

Interactions with main NPC's is a masterpiece. I just wish there was more of it outside of main quest and romanceable characters missions.

Every side NPC in comparison feels like its from another game made by some hack frauds from Bugthesda or Rehashsoft.
Nothing yet due to all the things that far out way and detract from immersion.

The back alley locations, hobo camps and markets, the amount of garbage and clutter everyhwere .
Everything else pulls me out.
Underwhelming UI, non-existent AI, horrible loot system, broken physics.
We've had lots of threads about what breaks your immersion sooo it's high time we get a thread about things that make us feel immersed! What are the moments where you went "Whoa, that felt like i was actually part of the world!".

I'll start with a mild spoiler for one of the
During the River date, after the fun match of laser tag and the complementary food I helped make -hah - River takes you to his special spot atop the water tower but there's a problem... the door thingy is jammed! Oh noes! But fear not - River has the solution; "Come here and I'll give you the boost!" he proudly declares, without realizing I already lept over the fence smirking madly, almost expecting me to have to get back over the other side yet again but no, NOOOO! The game managed to actually surprised me! River was awestruck at my "leap-y-ness" ( Sorry for not being able to properly quote him... ) and actually responded in a way... a pixel human being should at someone being able to do something unexpected - thanks to ( sadly not being visually represented ) leg cyberware! We had some fun bickering and I opened the door for him and what was actually a fun date could actually continue! I'll save you the details for the stuff that happened after, that's for you to discover on your own /wink. Well done CDProject ^^

Now I really wanna hear about other great moments that made all of YOU out there feel really good about playing the game! Be it something about the gameplay, or just a certain dialogue! Maybe you just like Watson Whore? Or you can't stop looking at all the weird ads? Feel free to share!

Kind regards,
Your friendly neighbourhood V
I think it's very easy to get immersed in the game, the city itself does a very good job, like the news etc. The random calls you get. But as many others undoubtedly have mentioned you are constantly slapped out of it by the bugs, I like how the people you have met during your missions call you, but wished it would happen more, as you sort of get the feeling that these characters have now played their role and therefore not really important to you anymore. But I during the time where you interact with them, you sort of get a connection to them and get to know them, so a bit sad that they are just turned into static NPCs.

Obviously this could easily be solved if Night city had more options where you could interact with these people on a more none mission related manner.
We've had lots of threads about what breaks your immersion sooo it's high time we get a thread about things that make us feel immersed! What are the moments where you went "Whoa, that felt like i was actually part of the world!".

I'll start with a mild spoiler for one of the
During the River date, after the fun match of laser tag and the complementary food I helped make -hah - River takes you to his special spot atop the water tower but there's a problem... the door thingy is jammed! Oh noes! But fear not - River has the solution; "Come here and I'll give you the boost!" he proudly declares, without realizing I already lept over the fence smirking madly, almost expecting me to have to get back over the other side yet again but no, NOOOO! The game managed to actually surprised me! River was awestruck at my "leap-y-ness" ( Sorry for not being able to properly quote him... ) and actually responded in a way... a pixel human being should at someone being able to do something unexpected - thanks to ( sadly not being visually represented ) leg cyberware! We had some fun bickering and I opened the door for him and what was actually a fun date could actually continue! I'll save you the details for the stuff that happened after, that's for you to discover on your own /wink. Well done CDProject ^^

Now I really wanna hear about other great moments that made all of YOU out there feel really good about playing the game! Be it something about the gameplay, or just a certain dialogue! Maybe you just like Watson Whore? Or you can't stop looking at all the weird ads? Feel free to share!

Kind regards,
Your friendly neighbourhood V

I was going to basically list the same thing but just a little earlier
I loved the whole scene but it was the game with the kids itself that got me more than afterwards. Also hats off to the devs for the Joan McClain/Henry Callahan Die Hard/Dirty Harry references
Also the whole Heist gig that ends the 1st chapter is what hooked me initially. That was spectacular.

I think mostly though, just riding my bike through the streets at night when the streets are semi-reflective from recent rain and listening to Royal Blue Radio... and I'm just there. The city is amazing.
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Bumping into the children playing with a toy drone.
Rush-hour traffic is a lot heavier during those time-frames.
Being called a "c*nt" by the suicidal Dalemain car......
People cussing you out while driving (I drive like a jerk).
I know this is more engine then gameplay - but wow RTX on psycho...

Things that hurt immersion - being on a mission and taking out an NPC, the entire encounter then knows your gender (say being female) without ever even seeing you. Ugh.
Haven't finished the game yet, but so far I have 3 such things:

1. First person view + real time dialogues/scenes - that's I think the greatest achievement of the game. Dialogue & scene system that plays in real time, no cutscenes, no "talking heads", you stay fully immersed in the world. This, together with natural animations of NPCs during conversations is both an artistic and technical achievement that I feel many people overlook and take for granted.

2. Sense of culture. Roaming the city streets and markets, watching people, cars, architecture or fashion, listening to radio and city sounds, watching commercials or TV shows - it all gives me the sensation of being in a place with its own culture. It doesn't feel like our own world with some chrome paint on it - it lives on its own, a real place existing in virtual world.

3. Sound & music - if AI in this game is 1/10, then sound and music are 100/10. Original score marks just the right moments and evokes emotions, while combat music make you feel like you actually had that Kerenzikov installed in real life. And the sounds of the city...the AVs flying above, NC bustling with noise...oh, and guns...the sound of my Militech M-179E Achilles or my BA Carnage pinning people to the ground is the sweet music of the NC streets.
I really like the general approach to weapon design, how a weapon is holstered and unholstered, V playing around with it, reloading, weapon animations, the whole design and the variety of all the weapons. Gives me a really good future vibe. Also, every time an enemy is quite "taken aback" when I show him my new shotgun toy. There is a heaviness and feel of recoil to many weapons that I really like.
Also, the variety and design of most cars is very appealing. It feels like very futuristic but not over the top. At the end, it is only 50 years in the future.
swimming in the pool at V's Mansion, racing thru the Night City neon streets at night on a motorcyle, standing in the rain on the rooftops, watching the flying cars pass by in the polluted night sky ( I am using weather mods), just driving a stylish car on the larger roads between regions and stopping to take in the landscapes...or being stuck in traffic jams at peak times....listening to the flow of radio, street musicians, public announcements, market sounds and sights (some just like home but without the aroma) traffic noises and soundscape of Night City... checking out the sunsets and rises from the top of skyscrapers...
i tried to get immersed but the ammount of bugs , missing features , content and over all basic visuals made it really hard to be immersed in anything at all.......................musics cool thou
I'm not sure immersion and being immersed means same thing for everyone but the game sure got me like nothing before.

I have been trying to pin down for weeks what made this work for me and I think it's a sum of lots of things. Visually I think first person perspective was one thing and graphics, visual style that made sense, city that felt like city.

Characters were multidimensional. They had their own goals and values that made sense in setting and I didn't even realized it at first at all, but we get glimpses of different social classes and so cross-section of society.

I did lot of missions, first to test out how skill stuff practically translates to gameplay, but I started reading datashards and most of it was something that made sense. Gang related things were like from actual police cases, cyberware related things and then you see citizens, some people who just walk by with terrible quality cyberware and it all connects. Dreams, only kids are naive enough to have any dreams in this city and they try to get out.

Little by little it grew and in retrospect, why I was willing to suspend my disbelief, I think biggest thing was that things in game had same appeal as cyberpunk literature. Chrome is surface but things, a lot of things are dealing with real matters, real questions in real world. Think that was the most important thing.
The character animations and micro-expressions, like Judy smirking when she's being cheeky, Panam's intense stare when she's determined, Saul's hyperactiveness because of stimulant abuse, Jackie's leg shaking when he's nervous, Evelyn's feminine wiles, the Peralez couple intense interactions, Takemura's stoicism etc.

I also like the way light bounces around in any scenes, like due to incredibly tall buildings it seems like it's dark outside in broad daylight or how the sun is really harsh in the badlands etc.
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