This Game Is Rigged

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Here's the scene. I've won R1, and decided to push R2. I keep playing cards until I'm down to the last card, but there's only 6 points in it, most reasonable cards would be 6 points or more. My opponent HAS to win R2. So I'm down to 2 cards, they're down to 3. I play a Heatwave and all I've got in my hands is a Petri's filter. The opponent passes, deciding to take a risk instead of securing the round still a card up.

I call this ABSOLUTE BULLSHIT. Nobody would ever pass when they NEEDED to win the round, unless somehow they knew I only had a small value card in my hand. This is absolute horseshit and confirms everything I've ever thought about Gwent being fixed/rigged. I don't even think I'm playing against humans half the time, so low is the player base and this would go a long way to explaining it.

Gwent is rigged.png
A pure rant, with a side of rudeness and nasty language. Locked.
If you can't be respectful you are much better off not posting at all.
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