Thronebreaker Vsync?


I'm wondering how I can get TB to play in real fullscreen mode? With the default 'Fullscreen' mode, Vsync doesn't get rid of tearing and there's no option for true Fullscreen.

I think the only way to use exclusive fullscreen mode in a Unity engine game is to add the -force-d3d9 argument when launching the game, and I'm not sure if TB supports that. You can give it a try.

Another fix you can try is to disable v-sync in-game and use a frame rate cap to match you monitor's refresh rate. How you do that will depend on the video card you have. I use nVidia Inspector with an nVidia card and set the cap with a profile.
I use Fast -Sync in the Nvidia Control panel for all applications. Works best for me, high fps and no tearing and atleast i can not notice any input delay. If you have a Nvidia maybe try that. There is probably a similar option for AMD.
For Thronebreaker though i have to enable V-Sync ingame or my GPU fans go crazy (GTX 970 and 2080)
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