Toussaint Deck cards (Ideas and request to CD Projekt Red)

Toussaint Deck cards (Ideas and request to CD Projekt Red)


I created this thread to show all of you and to CDRP that Toussaint deck have a really good potential because we can find here quite a lot interesting characters.

Probably CDRP and most of you know that, that is way this thread is more like request - Please do it :)
Reading forum can confidently say, that fans want to see this deck coming to the game. Im not saying, do it now. Im aware you guys busy and also have a lot of work coming with the Cyberpunk.

But give us a hope, that Toussaint deck will come later in the game even as a expansion or DLC :)

If you have something to say about Toussaint deck, maybe you have some fanart cards as well, post it here - maybe our prayers will be heard :)

Ok, lets start. If you see some grammar errors or Incorrect spelling ignore it, my mother language is not English but I try as I can to make things understandable for everyone.

Be aware that all Strength values, cards abilities, etc. is just my idea not a suggestion like should be. Simply I was trying to create some new abilities and have fun with that referring to what happened in the Blood and Wine expansion and how characters act in that game).

Some pictures are not great, was hard to find on google image some high quality pictures, but they are not that bad.
Whole point was here to present that characters because is really plenty of them in Toussaint, easily more then 50 and all new..


Obviously there is more Queensguards cards but I did only 3 because hard to find these picture on google, this is just to make a point that Queen and her guards is already 5-6 card for deck, plus other versions of Anna etc.



Blood and Wine spoiler. For these who know Guillaume and Vivienne story may end bad or nice, that is way I come up with these abilities for both.



Same situation as with Queensguards, can be a lot of Bandit cards (There was really a lot of them to fight) but there was a lack of pictures on google


Of course, there is more characters that we have seen in Toussaint:

- Rainfarn
- Francois le Goff
- Guy de Bois-Fresnes
- Donimir
- Rolande de Flakfizer
- Zorg
- Horm
- Giacomo Cianfanelli
- Dun Tynne Guards
- Llinos

Toussaint deck can be really reach in a large number of characters plus we also have a lots of new monsters in Toussaint but these cards probably should be in Monster deck.


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Ah, what a great start for a new deck!

I posted my idea earlier on another thread, but let's put it here too, since it's about Toussaint deck. This is a bit improved version of my earlier post.

I would really like to see vine barrel card. There could be max three or four barrels in a deck with some insane "dizzy" affect to mess up with opponents battlefield. Maybe it could lower and randomize opponents card points? So if your opponent is having 6 point card in a battlefield, it turns to 3 or 1 point card as long as the barrel is on battlefield. Or it could have kinda same effect to your own cards, but it would make own cards randomly better.

It would be also fun to add a little twist in that card. So, there are four barrels for example in your deck. Three of those cards lowers opponents card points on the battlefield or raises your own card points. BUT! One random barrel (we don't know which, since they all look same) could make opposite effect, so that it raises opponents cards or lowers yours. It's vine after all, so it can have all kinds of side effects ;)

Most of those cards should have very good buff, so that it's worth taking a risk. But somehow it would be fun if one of those cards had opposite surprise effect.

(Edit: Vampires are great characters to Toussaint deck, but I would really like to see they having their very own deck. Yes, we have monsters already, but we also have lots of great vampires!)

Edit edit: Oh, and that hysterically screaming lady from the tournament grounds should definitely have her own card! She's great :D She could have some "scare" effect which drives away of your opponents weakest front line cards, so that you won't be able to dig them back from the graveyard during that game. If someone doesn't know what I'm talking about, check this awesome video ;)

Any weather effects could double or triple her points.
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Very good job, my friend! In my previously thread about the Gwent future i'm started with post about Toussaint cards deck, and now, here, i can concentrate on this idea. The cards which you propose is only the beginning, I'm sure together we can draw the attention of CDPR on this potential deck. :drunk: Toussaint hypers!

---------- Updated at 02:29 PM ----------

Affirmative, miss Sunsibar really posted very good idea about wine barrels. I think many special abilities of Toussaint warriors could be associated with wine.
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We need a Toussiant deck but the Unseen Elder obv. should be a leader and Syanna too ,, The game calls the guards ducal guards which is much better fitting than queensguard
Hmm... If someone should be leader, it's Anna. I don't like the idea of Syanna being leader since she was what she was. Anna could have different abilities like Foltest has. One ability could be to add one point to every non hero card on your side. Or she could have the ability to remove "natural disasters" like raven storm. More of that later in this post.

Syanna could be otherwise strong card with ability to call bandits to her aid. Or she could be spy or other card which gets stronger if negative effects are on the field. Or she could be placed to your opponents table and she takes one point off from every non hero cards in that row.

Unseen Elder and Regis could be heroes. Regis (one time use) could call up the "raven storm", every enemy card (except heroes) drop down to 2 points. Obviously this can't be removed with clear weather. Unseen Elder is obviously very strong card, so maybe he could remove three chosen cards from your opponents battlefield (one time use)? Or even "turn the ties" so that battlefields changes places? You get your opponents current cards and your opponent gets yours.

Anna as a leader or Unseen Elder could even be strong enough to remove your opponents hero cards to the graveyard!
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I really like idea of wine cards in Toussaint deck, because Toussaint mostly is about wine - so, good thinking :)

What about this?
Drunken warrior obviously is not that effective in the combat. So card just should reduce his strength. A bit like Commander's Horn but in negative way.

And something additional to the Wine card as well. Do you remember this guy? :)
The final fistfight.

I don't know why, but somehow I like the card "Wine of Toussaint". Don't know if the card is too OP or not, but the idea is nice. ;)
Honestly, I do not think it is appropriate to use vampires in this deck. In addition, I have a few comments:
1) As long as there is not enough archers and we could take fighters from Hansa
2) Sylvia would be a strong card associated with gangsters.

And I think Sylvia, in principle, may be the leader. And then we will have at least two playing style - with Anna and her knights (melee), and Sylvia, Queen of Hansa (range).
Are you serious with these fan deck ideas. XD The game isn't even out yet.

As for the card themselves, there is way too much text on them. When designing cards you need to make sure the mechanics are explained clearly with as little text as possible.
Are you serious with these fan deck ideas. XD The game isn't even out yet.

As for the card themselves, there is way too much text on them. When designing cards you need to make sure the mechanics are explained clearly with as little text as possible.

This is the first version of the cards, how can you be so strict?
This is the first version of the cards, how can you be so strict?

I mean, OP clearly put a lot of work into making those cards but I am just saying, there is way too much text on them and the mechanics are not explained in a very clear manner.
U can be pretty sure, balance will corrected, descriptions will be appropriate. At first we need more hypers with fresh ideas :threaten:
Are you serious with these fan deck ideas. XD The game isn't even out yet.

As for the card themselves, there is way too much text on them. When designing cards you need to make sure the mechanics are explained clearly with as little text as possible.
Text is just explanation of my ideas how cards could work. But like I said, I want it to have fun with making that cards and come up with new abilities just for fun and want it to give as much information for you to understand as I could. Doesn't mean cards need that long descriptions.

---------- Updated at 07:06 AM ----------

Honestly, I do not think it is appropriate to use vampires in this deck.
Hmmm....I think vampires are a big part of Toussaint, like wine (Blood and Wine) :)
I dont think so is enough vampires to have Vampire Deck. Yes you have some in Monster Deck and you could make some few characters but that could be ok for Gwent in The Witcher 3 game because Decks are not that massive like in upcoming The Witcher Card Game - each Deck will be have easily more then 100 cards to choose from. This is what I can tell from presentations of new cards etc.
And I think Sylvia, in principle, may be the leader. And then we will have at least two playing style - with Anna and her knights (melee), and Sylvia, Queen of Hansa (range).

Hmm... That could be a good idea after all!

---------- Updated at 01:06 PM ----------

Are you serious with these fan deck ideas. XD The game isn't even out yet.

As for the card themselves, there is way too much text on them. When designing cards you need to make sure the mechanics are explained clearly with as little text as possible.

Yes it's not out yet, so what :D People are hyped!

I'm pretty sure there is going to be a time when we all want new stuff to Gwent game, what could be more fitting than new decks? Toussaint deck has much potential.

---------- Updated at 01:09 PM ----------

I really like idea of wine cards in Toussaint deck, because Toussaint mostly is about wine - so, good thinking :)

What about this?
Drunken warrior obviously is not that effective in the combat. So card just should reduce his strength. A bit like Commander's Horn but in negative way.

And something additional to the Wine card as well. Do you remember this guy? :)
The final fistfight.

Thanks for the illustration! It looks great :) Good ideas. Specially that one where you could place "commander's barrel" to opponents table :D
Good crops, good harvest and lots of wine.
What about bad crops? Bit similar to scourge.

I didn't know how to name properly but you get the point...I guess Scarcity and Bad crops is the same but have two different names.

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Need to say: All this is really a GREAT idea!! Would love to see a Toussaint's Deck on the future. Even more, with characters like Syanna, Anna Henrietta, Dettlaf and Oriana to be played. - And I also agree - there is no need to hurry; a new faction can, very well, just come in the future, when this game is properly finished to launch.
Some idea about card, maybe this is more Neutral card then Toussaint but I did not know where to post this.
Is more directed at people wearing armor, swords and other but hey, Inspire glyph working on monsters as well but shouldn't :)

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Some idea about card, maybe this is more Neutral card then Toussaint but I did not know where to post this.
Is more directed at people wearing armor, swords and other but hey, Inspire glyph working on monsters as well but shouldn't :)

We really need more weather cards like the ones you guys suggest and one like a sandstorm which buffs certain units like arachas and debuffs others
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