tulamide's quick player survey

I would love to see you all participating in this little player survey. But I don't want it to become another discussion thread (moderators: maybe you could remove such posts?).

Instead, to be able to gather data more easily, I ask you to answer two questions:

Which is your favorite faction right now?
Just name it, without any explanations. If you really have no favorite and play the same number of matches with either faction, just write "All." Honesty is more important than bragging, so think about it for a second before answering.

How much do you enjoy Gwent right now?
This is a 100% subjective question. It is not about balancing, mechanics or any other of the technical stuff. It's just about your personal enjoyment while playing Gwent. Use a scale of 1 to 10, where 10 means perfect enjoyment and 1 means no joy at all.

Please copy and paste the following example, replacing the important bits with your info:

  • Faction: Skellige
  • Enjoyment: 3
Faction: Monsters
Enjoyment: 3

I think this patch is the most unbalanced the game has ever been.
Changed my mind.

Enjoyment: 10

After this update I’m ranked higher than I ever have been. Honestly can’t see a bad side to this last update.
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