Type-66 Avenger

Did CDPR remove this car ?

according to https://cyberpunk2077.wiki.fextralife.com/Type-66+Avenger


  • Sold by fixer. Requires a Street Cred level 20 and your presence in City Center
  • Street Cred Required: 20
  • Price: 55,000
I had V spend 2 ingame days in City Center and her Street Cred is 36 but no call came from a fixer (did they remove or change the street cred requirement?) or does V also need 55,000 for the fixer to call?
Nope but in 1.3, CDPR have changed how Fixers call you for cars (less often and not if you haven't do any GIG for the Fixer).
So you have to do GIGs for them (one at least) and "wait" to receive message.

An "easy" way I think :
- Do a GIG for Dino.
- Leave City Center, wait (skip time) 24-48h in JapanTown (or near the AfterLife)
- Come back to City Center.
- You certainely receive a message from Dino each time you come back.
I wish the person that was looking at this issue had advised me of this. I stopped playing because I thought it was a bug
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