In this whole cut content debate, for me it looks like it comes down to huge expectations, then said expectations are further exploited by youtubers and in then we end up in here discussing about those expectations again. There was a bucketful of gold at the end of the rainbow, then it was taken away and now I'm reading here about that bucketful of gold. But I'm not buying it.One reason would be Lore Reason, but I am not versed in Cyberpunk to remotely know that. (I don't know the wireless tech in the lore) I had no issue with that statement is why I didn't answer that specific case.
All of the content wasn't cut because of bad gameplay. I believe it was more due to time constraints, last gen hardware, and shift in design in the middle of the project. I have no solid proof but there is questions on design that made finale release. (IE: Why do you easily get so many quick hack components? It seems like they were a single use item like a grenade at some point and the resource system was not changed.)
I don't have objections that content was cut; I object that they still use cut-content in advertising. I understand that it may been created prior to release, but throwing up some annotations (aka Text) saying Not in Finale release isn't hard. Not doing it is shady.
Aesthetically, Music, atmosphere (outside of the lack of interaction) the game is great, but it leans heavy on the big wallet...
The Big Companies use Graphics, Big Name Music and Large Open Worlds so to separate themselves, as smaller budget studios can pretty much achieve a similar product of quality besides these areas. I don't have faith/hope they will do anything more than they absolutely have to, and I expected more out of CDPR by the Reputation, previous history. I was proven wrong, and I may be so again. I just don't believe it will be fixed, even through I want it to be.
I can't get through 1-2 side ops without stupid Grenade bug or something else acting screwy and having to reload the previous save and start again. I wish I could get through the game smoothly for a time, all the reloading when not flatlined is annoying.
(Mechanics of how Sim City works on the surface may look like same old same old, but they don't work. All the previous versions they worked, but they did not work in Sim City 2013. You are right it should of been an easy rehashing but it still doesn't work. I haven't touched EA since 2013 due to release state of that game, and that they never even tried to fixed it.)
Say rigging skill. It really was planned feature at some point. Build guys who know their stuff don't talk much about it because they actually know how things work. But I tried for fun to add rigging to skills and ended up with convoluted, unfun mess that would actually give less build options for player. Also, stealth would be trivial. Solving one problem only to create two other problems would be very poor design.
There was and still are technical issues, but funny how my Xbox didn't blow up. Lot's of things that has been covered many times. I believe at some point call was made what is essential for deadline and what made possible to complete game got priority, that makes sense. What comes to rest, there's very clear strong economical reason for them to do. This game will be huge in PSstore, once they get it back in there. They want that money for many reasons. EA can risks shady practices and what I read from SimCity debacle from Wikipedia, they avoided lawsuit by offering free version of product. They have income from many titles that gives them options, even if product is still garbage. CDPR is not in that position.
Cut content or not, bugs fixed, I just don't see those making that big of a difference for what CP 2077 is. People anticipating magical product, will keep anticipating while grinding towards their potentially great reward in plastic corridors of games tailored for them.