Unhackable enemies

For some reason some enemies (seems to be high level ones more than the usual gang memebers, Arasaka & Co.) do not take any damage from hacks.
The only way to kill them is to reload the game.
But wait, this only kills 1 (one) single enemy!
For the next one, you need to reload to be able to do any damage.
So perhaps an if statement is left in one state and never changed back somewhere in the code?
Because this is very consistent, every load first enemy takes damage and dies, the next one is invincible until you reload.

I've put up with a TON of glitches in this game, and even with this one for some time, but if invincible enemies is not a game breaking glitch, I don't know what is!

This just in, now gang members are part of this select group too!
But this time they also are impervious to bullets not just hacks!

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