Update 2.2 and modding impact

If anyone is interested, out of my limited mod pool and testing these are the following core mods that don't work at the moment - bare in mind the game launches and works fine but the effects of the mods are disabled.




Two mods that are based on these don't work, one of them giving an error when you start the game:

Manually Enhanced First Person Camera

Decals Flickering Fix

Any mod that changes the body or appearance menu of the game like VTK based mods and EVB mods disable the character creation options added by update 2.2. Just temporarily remove them from the archive/mod folder and it should work.

Make sure to update Cyber Engine Tweaks from github as there's a dispute in between nexusmods and the author, it might impact the other core mods as well unfortunately since all their comments sections have been disabled so there's no way to communicate publicly with them.

Hope this helps anyone that's having any problems at the moment, my game launches fine and I can play no problem so far but like I said I only use a few superficial mods so anyone with a more extensive modlist your mileage may vary.

Feel free to contribute to the thread with more details about the mod updates and the state of nexusmods regarding all of this, I think it's a good idea to have a centralized forum post that focuses on this for people who might be out of the loop - like myself.

I'll try and keep this post updated with new information for people holding out on 2.2 until everything is fixed.



Red4ext github latest version - this is crashing my game on launch because other mods that depend on this haven't been updated so I reverted to previous version.

All core mods updated:

RED4ext nexus




Cyber Engine Tweaks
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Any time a game receives an update, players will need to wait for mods to be updated by the mod authors to ensure they work with the new version. This goes for any game. (Nothing is guaranteed to break, but many mods will.)
Any time a game receives an update, players will need to wait for mods to be updated by the mod authors to ensure they work with the new version. This goes for any game. (Nothing is guaranteed to break, but many mods will.)
Yes indeed, but considering that many of these mods may or may not be updated at all it's nice to know which ones to look out for when the game goes FUBAR.

Like other users already pointed out, it's holiday season so it might take a while for any of these to get updated in due course like say - Decals Flickering Fix, man I loved that mod and now I can tell it fixed quite a bit but unfortunately it relies on core mods which are not yet updated.

Also it seems like mod creators are having some beef with nexusmods so there's external sources we need to keep an eye on nowadays for some of the core ones like TweakXL.
Yes indeed, but considering that many of these mods may or may not be updated at all it's nice to know which ones to look out for when the game goes FUBAR.

Like other users already pointed out, it's holiday season so it might take a while for any of these to get updated in due course like say - Decals Flickering Fix, man I loved that mod and now I can tell it fixed quite a bit but unfortunately it relies on core mods which are not yet updated.

Also it seems like mod creators are having some beef with nexusmods so there's external sources we need to keep an eye on nowadays for some of the core ones like TweakXL.
I would actually recommend removing all mods, backing up your saved games, and waiting to reinstall them until later. (Potentially reverting to those backed up saves if something really breaks.)

Just be aware that continuing to play a modded playthrough with only partially functional stuff is prone to future hassles.
I would actually recommend removing all mods, backing up your saved games, and waiting to reinstall them until later. (Potentially reverting to those backed up saves if something really breaks.)

Just be aware that continuing to play a modded playthrough with only partially functional stuff is prone to future hassles.

Of course, if one decided to go for the update like I have instead of waiting a few months then one should expect stuff to break which is why I have this thread going, it's for people like me with itchy trigger fingers that want the update and also want a mod list that is compatible with the update.
Of course, if one decided to go for the update like I have instead of waiting a few months then one should expect stuff to break which is why I have this thread going, it's for people like me with itchy trigger fingers that want the update and also want a mod list that is compatible with the update.
Always good to be prepared. We wouldn't want unexpected --


From a little bit of testing, mods relying on TweakXL are hit and miss at the moment, mainly clothing mods and the like (perhaps vehicle mods have the same behavior).

For example the large majority I've tried have worked fine, but every now and then there was one that kind of bugged out and could not be visually unequipped despite changing them in the inventory menu and visually changing in the menu itself, just not in the game, odd.

Besides that my game has been very stable so far, absolutely no problem.

So if anyone is waiting for TweakXL to be updated I say just go ahead and try the update, so far it works fine with the other core mods updated.

The minor problems like no new options in the character creator due to some CC based mods like body and tattoos, and a few clothing mods breaking visually are so far harmless and can be fixed with at least a reload or at most removing the said mods.

Good luck chooms.
Same, but it seems to be related to changes to Donation Points and how legitimate mod authors are losing out on revenue based on the new algorithm.
Here's a link to the new system DP Update.

And a few Quotes:

''For me, I can say that if I was previously earning, let’s say, $100 per month through DP (donation points), now I’m earning less than $50. And I’m sure they don’t like it, just as I don’t. I’ve complained too, but they don’t seem to care.
In their case, judging by their download numbers, they might have gone from, let’s say, 1,000 $ to under 400—or even less. All because an algorithm was changed in how the money is distributed. Don't forget how much of "core mod" this one is.
Don’t get me wrong, probably many more people are now earning something while all the ones that where earning until now, get "probably" less. The money hasn’t disappeared; it’s just been redistributed. But if you’re used to receiving a certain amount for the contributions you make here, you’re understandably not happy when that amount drops to less than lets say 50%.
And if even little ones as me are getting way less, eventually for them it is even worse? The algorithm change could be not linear.
As said this is quiet of a core mod.
Maybe it’s really time to publish less here.''

''Problem 1: Content optimised to maximise Donation Points (i don't do that, i have 1 page per mod with all optionals and patches for that mod in there as the rules suggest)
Problem 2: Abuse of the system through fraudulent download (i don't do that)
Problem 3: Mod list makers earn disproportionate rewards by including lots of their mods (i had no lists at all before the new system was introduced!)
Problem 4: Posting updated versions of mods on new mod pages (i dont do that and never did)

The truth is on the same page:
" ... redistribute the rewards in a way that enables more authors to benefit from the system. Overall we're expecting ~60% of mod authors to see some
kind of increase in their mod rewards. The remaining users are expected to see similar amounts, with some of the current "top earners" seeing a
drop in Donation Points where distribution is flattened out a bit.
To be clear, if you receive less DP each month going forward this doesn't necessarily mean your upload behaviours are a problem" ''

yamashi changed his stance on it and re-opened the comments page whilst also updating CET on the nexus page, which previously was up in the air.

That can't be said by other mod authors though so they're keeping the comments section locked for the time being.

Which brings me to my last point:

TweakXL has been updated which also closes the loop of incompatible core mods with the new patch.

Sweet! :)
Thanks for this thread, which is the first one I've read since joining the Forum. You beat me to the punch with the reasons given by yamashi for the initial withdrawal and later reinstatement of CET on Nexus.

Sadly, even with the latest TweakXL I still get a game crash after getting too careless (hasty) with reinstating mods; I see from what you've written that it may be clothing and appearance changes that I've downloaded. Time for a 4th uninstall/reinstall, followed by a much more careful install - test - install another - test process. That's this evening taken care of :LOL:
''For me, I can say that if I was previously earning, let’s say, $100 per month through DP (donation points), now I’m earning less than $50. And I’m sure they don’t like it, just as I don’t. I’ve complained too, but they don’t seem to care.
Looks to me that Nexus decided to collect some "taxes".
may be i'm crazy but when it come some major update or update that add features , usually
1) don't update the game if i 'm on playtrough
2) a clean wipe of my modlist , to rebuild a new one because mostly new update may have unlocked new framework for modders , and it always better to get a fresh install after any update when it comes to modding , specially if you get more 200+ mods on your modlist :)

to know , all core framework mods is up to date patch 2.2 ( cet , codeware , redscipt and co )
virtual atelier store working ( i'm using the browser extension )
VTK tatto working , ETK working , VTK + EBB working
store working , Noladreammer , Vegee

i'm all ready with 400 mods , no issues atm
thanks zzzfrofzzz - I'll try my VTK mods next, then browser extension and virtual atelier. That's tomorrow evening's entertainment sorted :)
Nexus has been acting oddly for quite some time, removing mods they dont agree with and changing paystructure/prices. Its kinda sad seeing the best mod site go of the edge like this and it becomes hard to support it. I gave up my Premium because it did not feel right supporting it last time they did something weird.

Ive gotten my game to run but i dont use alot of mods in cp2077, only waithing for @BabaBooey88 great GITS 4.0 and im set i think :D 3.0 works for now..
Yeah shame, been using nexus for a long time and it's sad to see the friction.

Got a mention with the new TweakXL it's been bugging out the clothing mods after a reload, the graphics go haywire and I had to reload the same save a few times before it stabilizes.

For now I'm using the previous September version of TweakXL, it seems to be working for my mod combos so far.

In case anyone is having graphics glitches after reloading saves this is the reason why.

Unfortunately the comments are disabled on the page so there's no discourse surrounding this.
At least if you purchased the version on Steam, you can enable the 2.13 version and still play with the mods, but if you purchased the GoG version, you are left with no mods.
This is the last game I buy in their shop.
Nexus has been acting oddly for quite some time, removing mods they dont agree with and changing paystructure/prices. Its kinda sad seeing the best mod site go of the edge like this and it becomes hard to support it. I gave up my Premium because it did not feel right supporting it last time they did something weird.

Ive gotten my game to run but i dont use alot of mods in cp2077, only waithing for @BabaBooey88 great GITS 4.0 and im set i think :D 3.0 works for now..

Just earlier today we received.. great news. I say it's great news, and it is very great news, because... it is quite frankly - The best news. We have the ringing endorsement of the great Notserious 80. Can you believe it, folks? The great forum veteran Notserious80. A forum veteran, that means he's been around... a looooong long time.
He said "I didn't leave NexusMods, NexusMods... left me." A lot of people been saying that, and it's true, sadly.. so sad what they've done.

With his help we're going to stop the radical LeftistMods from taking your files. They want 'em very badly, but we're not gonna let that happen. Truly - NexusMods isn't the real enemy... they're merely a vessel for powers far more... deadly, if you could believe it.

They're not after my graphics, they're after yours; I'm just standing in their way.
At least if you purchased the version on Steam, you can enable the 2.13 version and still play with the mods, but if you purchased the GoG version, you are left with no mods.
This is the last game I buy in their shop.
That's not true. You can disable auto update on GOG Galaxy and unlike Steam, GOG provides downloading without the client. You can even choose which version to download if you're installing from their website.
Just earlier today we received.. great news. I say it's great news, and it is very great news, because... it is quite frankly - The best news. We have the ringing endorsement of the great Notserious 80. Can you believe it, folks? The great forum veteran Notserious80. A forum veteran, that means he's been around... a looooong long time.
He said "I didn't leave NexusMods, NexusMods... left me." A lot of people been saying that, and it's true, sadly.. so sad what they've done.

With his help we're going to stop the radical LeftistMods from taking your files. They want 'em very badly, but we're not gonna let that happen. Truly - NexusMods isn't the real enemy... they're merely a vessel for powers far more... deadly, if you could believe it.

They're not after my graphics, they're after yours; I'm just standing in their way.
Just a warning that this topic is right on the edge of getting into discussion of real-world politics. I don't see a way around it, actually. Hence, I'd steer away from this. Overall:

Every platform is a private entity, and is allowed to set up whatever rules they wish for their platform. Yes, it is an issue that will eventually need to be addressed, but it's not something that can be addressed here. I suggest everyone take the discussion to the Nexus Forums or a wider platform that allows political discussions.

CDPR has a strict "no real-world political, cultural, or religious discussion" policy. Important issues -- certainly. But this is the wrong forum.
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