Update to Faction Challenge Rules

Dominika;n10331702 said:
If your enemy forfeits, that win still counts.

Is it like in the Dailies? Meaning if it counts if he forfeits in the first round?
partci;n10328492 said:
Err... I don't want to be that guy, but now we have the reverse previous Faction Wars, sort of.

100 MP for the winners is like... nothing. Jesus, guys.

then just dont play the challenge, so you wont waste time if you think so.
CD does a lot to bring diversity in the game, so i appreciate it and would even play it for less.
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So, if you have same amount of wins for the 2 factions, you're automatically considered a supporter of the winning faction. Do you need 30 wins for both factions or any equal number of wins will do? Can someone clarify this?
alexandr22;n10336872 said:
^no it is not needed. Any equal numbers will do


Hmm...i have 3 NG wins and 6 MO wins. I could pull 3 more NG wins and get my 100 powder but i guess i'll leave it at that. I've been so sick of NG for a while now, i don't even want to contribute my meager victories to their win. Damn, i can't believe i'm actually rooting for MO! ( not that they stand a chance )

No Challenge goodies for me. Oh well, maybe next time.
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All cool, but how does one know how many wins have been collected? Gwent UI lacks a lot of basic features, like this one.

I can imagine some lost the count, and keep playing like a nerd a faction over and over until 50 LOL

You know? Just to be sure!

Besides, this kind of prizes should be given as normal achievement when you play your most loved faction! Just Saying!
Got my 66 wins on Sunday for #TeamMonsters with my Arachas Swarm Buff deck (my own master peice)

securing the only border ill ever need.

The Empire will suffer our wrath!
TheNotoriousThree;n10348522 said:
Ic3Purple;n10348212 said:
I can imagine some lost the count, and keep playing like a nerd a faction over and over until 50 LOL/QUOTE]

Sounds like me. You never know right? There's alot on the line.

all you need to keep track is to look in your in game summery how many games did you win with a faction when you started the challenge, there you also see which games are counted for sure if the other side are disconnected or something else
Another 45 wins for the Mighty Monsters last night..

I love smashing the Empire and making dorfs run to the hills !

Let's go #TeamMonsters !
Snowwinter_rose;n10333142 said:
so good! So, if you don't really know who will win, just play 30+ games for both factions and get your border 100%)

You can just win one game with both factions and you'll get the border of the winning faction. No reason to win 30+ games if you don't care which border you want. Just thought I'd tell you, in case you don't know yet.
Welp...Monsters tried..

I guess there's just more spy cheese deck players looking for that easy win..

Next time my fellow gouls
CDPR dropped the ball with their mid-winter update fiasco, however this is a small step in the right direction to help mend their relationship with their player base.

Could the developers for future faction challenges please display some sort of counter of your faction victories, so for players that switch between decks they can easily work out which faction they are supporting.

On another note to satisfy the community's curiosity, not all monster faction supporters would have achieved the 30 wins criteria... could CDPR share with us the % of monster faction players who achieved this? Thanks
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