
Hello everybody,

I was wondering how significant are the Eddies in Cyberpunk when it comes to the city being plagued so much by corruption and consumerism and cyberware. Do you think there will be forms of money exchange, a specific 'older' more of value currency, such as the Vivaldi Bank in the Witcher, or how much will you be able to spend or earn, can it be stolen continuously or must you do jobs for Fractions to earn them?
Money (Eddies ) is valuable in every real world country / city and it will be in NC no matter what corruption , consumerism and cyberware there is . I don`t think there will be money exchange because there is only Eddies . I wouldn`t be surprised if there was banks in NC , Arasaka has a banking division . Doing quests and looting will be how you make Eddies .
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E$ is a global curency in CP PnP universe. In PnP, however, the US and connsequently Night City, use US$ (some other countries also use their own currency), which is inferior. E$ therfore is the currency of choice for cyberpunks and corporations as well for international market. But implementing different currencies would be troublesome and not worth the effort. So E$ FTW.
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