User Interface - Inventory issues -


Ok, So my V is into crafting and hacking. - Early on I began scavenging everything then started tearing them down for crafting items.
That's when I noticed that the inventory has a major problem. - If you have more than one item, you have to use a slider which isn't bound to the LB RB buttons or even the analog stick.

Like if I navigate the cursor to an item and that quantity window opens, it should automatically switch to the slider bar so I can select the quantity.
It also says x to confirm but that doesn't work, I have to use the cursor to manually click the confirm button. - seriously lol, this is a whacked out inventory system lol. It needs patching asap.

Again, it seems like the team responsible for developing the user interface and controllers just really dropped the ball. It's not game breaking but considering the amount of items one has to scavenge and that crafting is such a large part of the game, why would this not have been noticed prior to launch?

all in all, I like the game, and can't wait to get home today and play over the weekend.
But seriously guys, get it together, the UI is not "broken" but it's far from where it needs to be.
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