We may have a digital limiter as the mousewheel and a permanant cruisecontrol activate ?
As much as i would love to use my throttle i would need 2 left hands then ^-^ (and I think the game does not support anything but keyboard anyways).
It would be like the mousewheel change the vehicle velocity, from 0 to max, that would be a great plus for immersive gameplay. then w and s would just set the forward or backward velocity, sounds great right ?
Maybe let the choice to play like this or with w and s only. (just in case something goes wrong for someone).
Kind regards. <3
We may have a digital limiter as the mousewheel and a permanant cruisecontrol activate ?
As much as i would love to use my throttle i would need 2 left hands then ^-^ (and I think the game does not support anything but keyboard anyways).
It would be like the mousewheel change the vehicle velocity, from 0 to max, that would be a great plus for immersive gameplay. then w and s would just set the forward or backward velocity, sounds great right ?
Maybe let the choice to play like this or with w and s only. (just in case something goes wrong for someone).
Kind regards. <3