Vehicles or Transportation?

Vehicles or Transportation?

Would you be opposed to your Character having their own speeder depending on how large the world is? Or perhaps a transportation system like the one pictured in the trailer where the two Psycho Squad members are standing in some sort of vehicle with roller coaster like seat belts.
I really would like to have a car or a speeder but i am not sure if CD will do it.

It will bee probably so that you use buses or trains or taxis.


Forum veteran
That there will be flaying vehicles we can see even on teaser. Question is if they will be driveable. I doubt that.
If there's a way to get around without having to spend crucial skill points on piloting and driving skills, points that would be better spent on stuff like pistol, smg and combat sense, then sure. If I can choose not to know how to drive or fly, but can hijack a cab instead, then there's no problem.

I also don't want to spend my ebs on choo. Bullets aren't free.
Transportation would be my choice (even if the PC would own it - eventually).

That, because my preference of "open world" for this game is a set of smaller (but not tiny) highly detailed and focused locations between which travel is allowed, rather than a sandbox.


Forum veteran
Yeah, I would prefer if they would focus more on other things than driving. It's RPG, there are way more important things than being able to drive a car. Leave this for games like GTA and Sleeping Dogs.

Also driveable cars add fair amount of silliness to the game. You know, running over people and crazy car crushes. It looks video gamey and silly and I imagine that Cyberpunk will be something more serious. I'm saying that even tho I love games like Sleeping Dogs and GTA.
i also agree. it would be rather silly for vehicles to be in game and kind of ruins the experience since when you are in a vehicle you don't pay much attention to detail and i like to get into every corner of huge open world rpgs (or at least try to) so if i drove a vehicle it would be rather useless since i would have to stop every 2 meters. though that is just me and i'm sure others would only want to get from point a to point b as quick as possible so maybe they should be included but not made mandatory for the player or something survival without is a hard and perilous task.
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