Vendetta Damage Bonus Revert

Hello everyone! After the 1.5 update to headshot damage bonus of the weapon mod “Vendetta” was changed from 20% per mod, to 10%.

I find that change wrong. The reason for it, the weapon mod “Crunch”. This mod adds 7% to the base damage, means it boosts headshot damage, crit damage, charge damage, status effect damage by 7%. So it makes “Vendetta” completely worthless against “Crunch”.

I suggest returning its bonus headshot damage value back to the 20%, giving this mod a chance to stand against other weapon mods.
Agreed, was sad to see it was lowered. Used to have it in my Lexington, was able to wreck the battlefield with it with a suppressor. Not anymore…
Agreed, was sad to see it was lowered. Used to have it in my Lexington, was able to wreck the battlefield with it with a suppressor. Not anymore…
Exactly the same situation. I used this mod on Dying Night (Iconic Lexington) and Pride, which also buffed that mod, now I have full Crunch setup in almost every weapon.
All the bonus was reduced anyway. So useless to hope that it would change now :(
Overture headshot bonus was x6 (600%) and is now 200%.
Headshoot bonus added by the Kiroshi mod was 50% and is now 25%.

And it would require some test, but since the headshot bonus is applied after on the total damages (if I'm right), it may still be more interesting to have +40% headshot bonus (4x rare Vandetta) than +28% on base damages (4x legendary Crunch).
It worries me how the DEV has put so much work into nerfing the player damage output of a SINGLE player game when there are so many other things in this single player game they need to work on. This make me wonder if they are thinking forward to putting multiplayer "royal" type stuff in this single player game.
It worries me how the DEV has put so much work into nerfing the player damage output of a SINGLE player game when there are so many other things in this single player game they need to work on. This make me wonder if they are thinking forward to putting multiplayer "royal" type stuff in this single player game.
System reset, suicide and cyber psycho hacks
sniper rifles hitting for over 600k and smart weapons

Multiplayer would be a horrible idea

Looking forward to playing it and burning night city down
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