VG247 Art. on Women in CP2077


Managed to read it all in a minute huh?
Not saying you need to agree with all of it (I sure as he'll don't) but there are some solid points. Why aren't men given full nudity, by example. For me it was Evelyn Parker. Why the HELL did she go back to clouds and just look at how the game treated her?! For me that's still a major quest in game amd guaranteed to both depress and infuriate me.
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Managed to read it all in a minute huh?
I know pretty well this article, mysoginy here, mysogny there, woman threated bad, more inclusivity, too much women tits (we need more censorship), we need more strong female leads and so on and so on usual *****
+ all male must die

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In a dystopian future people are treated badly, no way!

Ugh, gaming journalists...
Big word this one
Oh give me a break you too. The point isn't for you to agree with the whole article but look for areas where it jas a point. For me, male nudity is one, as well as how Evelyn Parker was used by the story.
Why do articles like this always ignore the lore?
It's a highly sexualised dystopian future, based on lore written in the 80s. What did they expect?
ohh but they got offended, they just want censorship, this is just another ****** article
Oh give me a break you too. The point isn't for you to agree with the whole article but look for areas where it jas a point. For me, male nudity is one, as well as how Evelyn Parker was used by the story.

Yeah because
Tom being killed as he tried to escape Tyger Claws brothel
is better than Evelyn's fate :shrug:
Oh and you have male nudity all around NC: look at commercials on walls, screens.
That article contradicts itself it starts off saying women are the most influential and deep characters in the game and ends it saying how much it hates women... and evelyn parker died because she tried to betray EVERYONE!
We then see her memories, where she’s scared around big, tough men, is literally called “fuckable meat”, and uses her wily powers of seduction to betray a man. Next time we see her, she’s naked, battered, and bloody. Next time we see her after that, she’s dead.

"We then see his memories, where he's beaten by his dad, abused daily in farm and at school, his teacher mocking the father's suicide. Next time we see him, he's shot by police, crippled. Next time he's mentioned, a major character is plotting his death."

Plot twist: he's also a sadistic psycho.

Come one everybody can write garbage like this :shrug:
Correct me if i am wrong, there are two prostitute males in this game, right? The one you can select as your playtoy in the clouds, and the one you can talk to after you left your playtoy. So two males versus.. a whole city of female prostitures. There is truth in the article.

The picture of city is very sure created by the corporations so either they are primarily dominated by males and they follow the sex sales and pick the opposite gender in general for their commercials because it suites them most or the corporartion is leaded equally by men and women and its simply what really sales best in the city.. and profit is power.. so.. the paying citizen did choose.

"We then see his memories, where he's beaten by his dad, abused daily in farm and at school, his teacher mocking the father's suicide. Next time we see him, he's shot by police, crippled. Next time he's mentioned, a major character is plotting his death."

Plot twist: he's also a sadistic psycho.

Come one everybody can write garbage like this :shrug:
If the "journalist" talk about the BD that we see before find her, in that BD its not even her :D
Quote from article:
"The vague defence offered against this has been that the game is a dystopia, but a dystopia of what? What is it trying to say? What is this misogyny supposed to comment on or satirise? What do these dead, naked, or dead and naked women add to the game’s storytelling or wider ideas? How are they offset by the likes of Panam, Judy, and Rogue?"

I find this article to present poor taste, especially as on same site there is article about Mike Pondsmith: ""Cyberpunk was a warning, not an aspiration," says Cyberpunk creator Mike Pondsmith - VG247

The question cyberpunk asks is, do we want this future? How do you arrive to that if you don't present problems?

Adverts are same time dystopia and parody versions of what we seen today. It depends from individual preferences how much they appeal to male gaze but they are most importantly portraying version of future, where there is no regulation over advertising and where lot's of our values aren't but an illusion anymore. Future of social disconnect, people amusing them self to death to escape that reality. Cycle of more and more extreme connect to reach audience who are killing them self with braindances, society that tries to fill the void of lacking social fabric by more and more artificial. Future where this has become obsession.

So now, how do you portray that dystopia, without elements author critiques in article?

I get that people writing about video games had to spend their time with that media, but not everything is a chicken or egg problem. Why write about dystopia without understanding why dystopia exists. It's like saying Huxley's Brave New World is an utopia. People can say that, people who only read fiction may say that, then perhaps they are not the best critics.
Oh fine.
As stated, I still 100% agree in regards Evelyn Parker, and the in game nudity is part of what has been discussed in the site; not that it's too much but that we need more of it.
Evelyn's fate was fucked, and no way to save her was even more fucked. Buy her a Trauma Team sub or see what Vik could do, and a few more possibilities, but nothing, linear.

The rest of the article is shit though, for every milfguard ad there is a watson whore ad, for every dissected woman on a table, there's a suspended man with his spine ripped out. The transphobic gaslight is also widely off the mark, the only thing transphobic about the ads in this game, is that there is only one of them. In this universe, trans people are widely accepted, so they would be exploited sexually just as much as cis-gendered people. The article is right about the Judy mod, but also fails to mention that the same can be done to Panam. When art conforms to what is 'offensive' it no longer becomes art.

Another mostly blind tabloid who can barely see 2 inches in front of their own opinion.
I remember watching a show on morning tv hosted by a few women an they had this male model on showing of fashion or something an all the women did was make leering sounds at him and rub there hands up an down his chest while the audience laughed, no it wasnt a comedy show it was a typical morning show with a part showing of fashion.

One rule for one is all i could think, if it was men doing it to a woman, they'd be cancelled, the show would be cancelled, they'd be also jailed an have a criminal record, and rightly so, yet that male model was/is just supposed to stand, smile and enjoy.

The reason i bring it up is the total double standards throughout media, its ok for men to be topless but not women, its ok to show a vag but no a pp etc etc but it generates clicks and you've always got ppl more than willing to share it to generate even more
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