We need SLI :0

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I never play on DLSS now day . its abit blur . and I never open RTX too . its reduce a half fps. and even I do like this. i got only 40 - 50 fps or 55 .
@4K UltraMax. even i turn SSR off :0

and this is already 3090 :0

This game must have SLI :O

c,mon everyone !! ~ sister and brother . show your hand up with me \ >O< / and said. " We need SLI " ! hulae huale ~~

I don't want to be rude but every time you post about your 3090 I roll my eyes.
50 FPS is NORMAL on Ultra with DLSS. Get used to it. This game is extremely demanding, even on your precious 3090. Try bumping down to 1440 maxed out, you will get a much smoother experience at 60 FPS. Many players here have offered you heaps of advice on how to tweak your graphic settings to make it better, because many of us are on lower hardware and are prepared to tinker with the settings in general. You have all the information you need, and the reality is you're still unsatisfied with your 3090's performance. I think at this point it's a YOU problem.


You are literally in the 1% of people with that hardware, and you're still complaining to add SLI functionality for what, so you can dual wield 3090's? Talk about a first world problem.
nuu cutie meow nuuuuu >O< !
I dont want DLSS :0
and I think i got FPS better than graph :0
But its must be DLSS on .

I just want RTX on DLSS off and got 60 fps on all situation . :0
and Yes I can ask emm. real owener of this computer. for buy another 3090 for SLI . :0
even it rare to get . but its fine :>

what wrong with you today :< you turn to angry meow and scratch me >_~
All AAA games should support SLI/NVLINK. It works VERY well, especially NVLINK. It's a huge disappointment games can't experience this title to it's fullest with these kinds of systems....

SLI... Do it!
All AAA games should support SLI/NVLINK. It works VERY well, especially NVLINK. It's a huge disappointment games can't experience this title to it's fullest with these kinds of systems....

SLI... Do it!
Nvidia has pretty much given up on SLI/NVLINK for games. Havent hade any support since the 30xx got released. Its mainly for benchmarks now days and possibly workloads. Its only supported on the 3090+. I used too allways go for SLI in the previous generations but support has been lacking for a loooong time. I dont think it will comeback.

Guest 4670038

I agree. SLI should be a given with all AAA titles. I mean, why the hell not?

Edit: Nvidia has discontinued driver support, but game developers still have the option of implementing it natively into their games.
I disagree, its not needed. You want it, which is fine. But I dont and dont think its needed.
Game is perfectly fine looking and playable the way it is.
SLI, Crossfire were terrible and barely worked even with games that supported it. Then you had to disable it to play games that did not support it.
You are better off using DLSS, FSR and tinkereing with the settings then using it.

What's dead should stay dead.
They need to spend time on the dead tech of SLi like they need a extra hole in the head, not at all.
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