Weapon bug (DMG, Crafting, Weapon Interface, Intelligent Aim)

Half of the weapon system is bugged.

Starting with the target interface of all smart weapons.
The interface is exchanged for a target cross in a cube, I was able to normalize this again by removing the weapon in the inventory, but now it is permanent and the target acquisition no longer works.

The weapon damage changes when I rotate through the ITEM-Crafting menu or if I click again and again on the same weapon,

which was a samll issue but the weapon damage of nearly all weapons is now permanently less than the damage
compared to a 2 days older game save with a lower wepon lvl.

And the damage of all smart weapons I've crafted has also been halved permanently.
current DMG (Weapon lvl 50)
old DMG (Weapon lvl 45)

Unfortunately, I can't say exactly when the bug got this bad.

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The damage info is a bug in the UI display. The "low" numbers are the correct values (ie standard DPS). The "high" numbers are bugged and showing the damage plus all modifiers, and/or crits and/or status damage.

It happens quite often and can even show negative values in the damage display (ie -2000 dps when equipped)
I got trolled by the game, a side mission exchanged my Smart-Link for a tattoo.
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