Weekly Poll 1/28/19 - Endgame


What would you like to see after the main story concludes?

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I'd like to see a modified form of New Game+, where we start over as a brand new character, but without our skills and kit. Go right back to the beginning, but where the world state has been changed by our previous playthrough.

Okay, now that I've thought on that, what I'm really describing is a sequel :)

No endgame content for me, then, thanks. Just roll credits, but with an epilogue showing the reverberations of my choices.
I'm surprised by the amount of people that want the game to just end, without the ability to go back and keep playing, as you could in the Witcher 3, the ES games, Fallout, etc.
I'd like to continue with random contracts and earn money to customize or build out my apartment. Maybe an after game drawn out romance? I'd be fine with a DLC expansion for that stuff too.
Two game modes:
a- "You play in the world your choices have created" with "Dynamically generated quests and objectives - the story is never truly over!" - with endless leveling and gear modding like Diablo 3, with, *maybe*, a hall of fame sort of thing
b- "There is a New Game Plus Option - keep your gear, etc and start again."
Two game modes:
a- "You play in the world your choices have created" with "Dynamically generated quests and objectives - the story is never truly over!" - with endless leveling and gear modding like Diablo 3, with, *maybe*, a hall of fame sort of thing
b- "There is a New Game Plus Option - keep your gear, etc and start again."
You definitely like Diablo 3. :D
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