Weekly Poll 11/11/19 - Meredith Stout Appreciation


You've just met/seen Meredith Stout, Militech Corp! You...

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This Is Stout Appreciation Month! Or, you know, not-appreciation month.

You have 2 choices!

Wow, we have a lot of curious questions.
7 but also an imaginary "Other" option because my decision would be based on multiple factors. How strong they look, how numerous they look, how dangerous the area looks, how curious I make V, that sort of thing.

A lot would depend on what kind of V I was playing. I tend to be cautious with new situations (especially when I don't have the option of metagaming :p ) so, compared to what V did in the video, I would likely spend longer assessing the situation from above -- and from more than one angle -- before deciding whether to go down to Stout and her minions.
I voted 1 and 6 :p

1 I see no reason not to go down like in the demo especially if i have saved before hand ;)

6 I thought was funny . I am not sure i`ll do whatever she wants but i would love her to be a LI :love:
2 an 8.

2 because that's how I want to do things: try to convince people with my maxed Appearance and Intuition and if they are not convinced make their useless brain bleed.

8 because I image they will probably give her a big level which means normal bullets would probably bounce on her eyes.

BUT ... I'm assuming this is fairly early in the game so character wise there's probably no reason not to take the job.

Yeah Stout is a bit of a dick, she's a Corp what else do you expect?
*I* love Stout, I think she is a perfect rep for Militech specifically. That said my anarcho-transhumanist gutterpunk netrunner isn't going to be working with her, would only go down to talk to her to see if he could get some intel, set up a backdoor, something along those lines. While my Arasaka stan techie would happily work with her (so long as her interests don't run counter to corps he prefers).

5, because greedy, opportunist corps for the win, says I.

7, because no corp would idealistically follow other corps without selfinterest.
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