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Is it not the symbol of eternity? I'm too lazy rigth now to search in Google...
Both are yes.

The Uroboros symbolizes eternity, wholeness, and auto-sufficiency but in a very twisted paradoxical way. Which is why it's often used to symbolize chaos.

The Phoenix also represents eternity, wholeness, and auto-sufficiency but in a way I find orderly. So I'd see the phoenix as a symbol of order.

The idea of mixing the two together is an affirmation that both elements are necessary and beautiful. And having the phoenix in the middle is because I identify with it more, but realize I am surrounded by things outside of my control and understanding. But it is an object of fascination rather than belligerence.
The ouroboros and the phoenix are both symbols of eternal renewal.

"...it is said of the Ouroboros that he slays himself and brings himself to life, fertilizes himself and gives birth to himself."

"Which came first, the phoenix or the flame?"
"No, I see what you mean,” said Luna seriously. “Well then, I think the answer is that a circle has no beginning."
[J. K. Rowling]
KnightofPhoenix said:
Out of Character.

And that prof seems to have a very simplistic view on what a persona is, when he claims we adopt different personas in different contexts, while it's far more sensible to say that personas are complex and multi-faceted, including a variety of behaviors for different circumstances.

So KoP may behave differently depending on the context, but it's the same KoP.

I think you're confusing the word "persona" with "personality".
Personalities are complex, yes, but persona's aren't. They're just masks we wear, characters we play. A persona can be deep and complex, but ultimately is situation-bonded. At home you wear a different mask than at work or at the internet.

Basically what it burns down to is that most of the time we're acting out a role without even realizing it. We're roleplaying a character based on who we want to be or what we think is more appropriate for the situation.

People who are socially skilled often choose their own personas and are fully aware of the persona, the mask they wear and choose to wear.

I'm sure you choose to wear a different mask at work than you the mask you choose to wear at home KoP, assuming you're one of those people who is socially skilled enough to be able to consciously choose and develop your own personas.

Again, this is not what I personally think/believe, I'm just trying to explain what my professor told us.
KnightofPhoenix said:
Uroboros (the snake eating its tail) with a phoenix in the middle.

Heh, what a coincidence. I actually designed EXACTLY that idea as a tattoo for someone else about 2 years ago. Maybe I still have the design on my computer or external HDD. I'd have to look.

If I can find my tattoo design, I'll link it here.

Also, it's important to know that the ouroboros is not just a symbol for the circle of life, but also the symbol of our self-destructive nature.

The ouroboros can be used as both quite a positive or quite a negative symbol.

Personally I like the fact that the ouroboros can mean something beautiful yet at the same time it can mean something quite nasty and frightening too. I like the duality between both.
Today (depending on where you live) is world photography day. A local gaming store is hosting kind of a contest asking to post photo of your most favourite game. Well no points for guessing which game I took of. Also took one of mine for posting one of mine here since it's been a long time since I took one.

Well if you're curious here is my entry (so far I'm the only one who took a 'photo' and didn't submit a screenshot lol) loaded a save from vergen, I totally love the place mixing a city and nature. Wish I had a good camera to capture the beauty in the photo too well for now this has to do.

Ahah... a couple of years later and people are still asking to see moar photos of secondchildren. I can't blame them either :p

Such a great community on these forums xD
Crested porcupine? A very small one. They get big. (Unlike New World porcupines, they are not climbers.)

Care: http://www.animulls.com/African-Crested-Porcupine.html

Guest 2091327

Crikey! He won't be doing that again! :D

We sometimes got those porkupines near our house where I grew up when I was little. We gave them milk and stuff and sometimes 5+ came around. Our mother wasn't too happy about it, but meh. Not the cat either, come to think of it :D
GuyN said:
Crested porcupine? A very small one. They get big. (Unlike New World porcupines, they are not climbers.)

Care: http://www.animulls.com/African-Crested-Porcupine.html
A porcupine? I'd think it's a hedgehog...

But of course I've never seen a baby porcupine :)/>
M4xw0lf said:
A porcupine? I'd think it's a hedgehog...

But of course I've never seen a baby porcupine :)/>/>

The hedgehogs I'm familiar with are not so hairy in the face. But that does look like Squall's critter.
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