Welcome to Night City...

Welcome to Night City...

Night City. Gleaming jewel at the edge of a radioactive desert. Hive of scum and villainy. Land of dreams and home to nightmares. Morality has no place here. Good intentions are a fashion faux pas. There is no such thing as a good guy, there are only anti-heroes and accidental heroes. Wake the drekk up, choomba. Time to vacate the coffin and see if you can earn a bit a scratch for your next meal of kibble2go and your next fix of black lace or blue glass or dorph. Take a good look at that Harley Davidson Thundergod roaring down the block. Gaze lovingly upon that MacLren/Jaguar Sports Aerodyne as it soars over your head. Keep dreaming, keep fighting, and maybe you will survive tonight’s run. At least you still have the creds for a cup o’kibble and a pedicab ride home tonight after…work. You know, just in case things don’t work out. Home…a three foot by three foot by six foot coffin cube in a tenement down in the DMZ. That’s Downtown Militarized Zone for the uninformed. You get a small light, a vid feed and maybe a link to the newsnet. There’s a communal shower and bathroom down the hall. All this for about 20EB per night. Anything else that you consider important on any level, you carry it with you everywhere you go, in a bag slung over your shoulder. Live light and move fast. Never settle down, because when you get comfortable, when you get complacent…you get dead. Yeah, welcome to Night City.

By the way, I’m sure that lump at the back of your skull is nothing to worry about, just a clogged pore right? That street doc who patched you up after last night was trust worthy, yeah?
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