Welcome to The Hairy Bear: The Witcher Off-Topic [Archived]

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We paid £7 for the meal (which definitely was over priced as fuck) but they didn't charge us for our drinks. Honestly I didn't kick off about it because my poor friend was already really upset and was apologising to everyone for all of it, and I felt like refusing to pay for the meal would have just made things feel more tense for her. Admittedly the food was very tasty, even if it was 2 hours late and there wasn't much of it.

But they've lost our custom. I hate restaurants like it so much, it was really hipster and studenty, aka over priced and pretentious.

Sounds like you need me to chop some legs.
Sounds like you need me to chop some legs.

And why stop at the legs?

You guys clearly didn't saw the Russian TV. We waiting for an exorcist a long time now. :halt:

Haven't watched American TV for years really. If I hear a show is good I'll watch it the same way I have to watch BBC. Online.

That said I don't hardly do that either. Last TV show I really watched was House, I think.
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