What do you want to know about The Witcher: Wild Hunt?

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Camera distance.

Thanks for confirming. The main reason I try to mention this, is because - people keep asking for FOV adjustment, but virtually 100% of the time, they're actually asking to include camera distance adjustment (but saying FOV). But, seeing as CDP keep seeing people asking for the FOV, they might end up providing the wrong setting. So, I'm trying to correct people just in case lol.

I'm gonna cry hard, if the game releases, and in the options there's a FOV slider, instead of camera distance xD
Thanks CDPR and "Evil", I will copy these questions from the thread with which you guys made the Q&A video before:

- Is experimentation with potions back from TW1? (meaning you can mix ingredients at will and luckily get a new useful potion randomly)

- Is there some kind of potion customization or specialization that's non-linear? (albedo,rubedo, nigredo, maybe alcohol with different bonuses, etc, something that you have to choose and that its not a single incremental upgrade)

- Are Geralt's athletic abilities supposed to be useful for combat and not just for exploration/monster-chasing? (could jumping, sprinting, climbing help in a fight at all)

- How extensive is the unarmed fighting system, can we use it against soldiers and monsters and/or combine it with the sword styles? (What role does it play in the general gameplay and how)

- How much has the conversation mechanic been expanded if at all, and in which way? (I remember an article or dev saying you could now choose to whisper the dialogue sometimes and it could change NPCs reactions, anything else like this and like in TW2 with axii, aard, etc.)

- Do witcher senses require the company of any kind of player skill related to interpretation, knowing monster habits from reading books, etc., and how relevant are WS in open combat? (Ziemak said a long time ago witcher senses were supposed to require skills from players, also the VATS style thing was dropped)

- How are combat styles divided and mapped to the keyboard and mouse? (we have strong and fast in the mouse and a modifier for a group style, or is there is a style vs humans and one vs monsters.)

- How is the balance between bought, found, and crafted equipment? (is one group cheaper in general or more or less accessible, maybe more or less customizable, do the groups have different advantages and roles in the general game progression)

- Do different human enemies have a different AI? (pro soldiers are smarter than bandits, not just with better equipment)

- Are there elements like light puzzles, riddles, dungeon traps similar to those from TW2's The Secrets of Loc Muinne? (to what extent, is it a normal thing, or just 1 or 2 quests in the whole game)

- Can we approach some quests in different ways, with more than one plan or tactic, or is the process is scripted as well as the goal? (for example Quest is to save X person from getting hanged accused of a crime, can we save him/her in different ways with different approaches like rescuing them from prison or actually proving their innocense, or there is only one "canon" series of events?)

- Are there choices that differ in convenience/rewards in addition to just morality? (are we assured that no matter how we decide to solve a particular moral dilemma we will have comparable rewards as in most RPGs, or is morality vs convenience an actual game challenge for us to judge. For example save a character vs getting an awesome sword, and the char might not necessarily repay us with loot or favors later, we just save him/her cause we want to be "nice")

If you can answer any of these, or parts of them, or give a general sense of what are the ideas for TW3 regarding these aspects, I'd be very satisfied :)

Again thanks for the chance.
Hi Everyone.

Just posting to say my not immediately replying isn't because I have forgotten about the thread. My goal is to get a big list of questions and take them to the different people who can answer them. As I said, some won't be able to be answered (in some cases because they are part of a plan to answer later on, sometimes because they are not locked down by the Dev team yet and for... reasons). Plus, I am only in Warsaw for 2 more days before I fly home to Edmonton on Halloween. I've got lots of meetings and such while I am here in the studio I have to be a part of.

Plus, as of today, I get hands on time to play Wild Hunt.I am TOTALLY going to be here all day playing when I'm not in meetings.

To those who posted "I'm not going to ask a question cuz they never answer my questions". You took the time to type that instead of asking a question? What would it hurt to ask something that interests you even if it doesn't get answered? Ah well, enjoy your letting us know you won't be asking questions in a thread about asking questions.

I can answer one question though: MY favorite character, besides Geralt, is Dandelion. I love his light-heartedness when much of the tone around him is dark. Plus, he's pretty handy with the ladies, something I always wished I had been in my younger days. Triss is a close second as red-headed women kick a lot of ass.

Keep the questions coming. :)


Forum veteran
Some not so standard questions:

- How dark can the night get in the Witcher 3, what we have seen so far is not very dark
- Can you elaborate on fist fighting, does it have combos, finishers etc
- Can Geralt grab enemies and throw them.
- Can you provide some other examples of Geralt using the environment outside of bee hives and swamp gas.
- Can Geralt taunt enemies.
- Can Geralt target sections of the body, upper lower, head etc.
- Can Geralt shoot the horse of an enemy rider making them fall to the ground
- Can Geralt climb a small structure or tree and surprise an enemy from above
- Can Geralt stop, lie down anywhere (not an inn), sit down and just watch the world.
- Can Geralt moonwalk?

That is all.

Welcome to the forums btw:)
I can answer one question though: MY favorite character, besides Geralt, is Dandelion. I love his light-heartedness when much of the tone around him is dark. Plus, he's pretty handy with the ladies, something I always wished I had been in my younger days.

Interesting answer, he is also an agitator in the vein of the great Tom Paine, can you sing as good *cough* as his English voice actor though? ;)

Would it be too much to ask for if you could explicitly mention afterwards which of the questions can't be (fully) answered due to things still not being locked in, completed, implemented, and so on?

I'd rather have negative feedback than no feedback at all.

Thanks in advance.
Most of the stuff I'd like to see has already been mentioned in this thread, so there's going to be a bit of echoing going on.

With less than 16 weeks to go until launch, I do feel certain systems should be showcased more in depth since most were just mentioned in passing here and there, and they wouldn't necessarily be "spoilery", I think.

I'd like to see something related to wildlife (not meaning monsters here), showcasing their variety and interaction possibilities between them and monsters or even the player. Is their role more than just to pretty up the world and give it more believability? Would they offer any crafting prospects to the player?

The Bear Armor was showcased a while ago, is this armor made by hunting just any bear in the world or you need to find unique versions of the animal? We know monsters will hunt wildlife and feast on them, does this affect them in any way (stats, appearance, etc.)?

I think mini-games need more showcasing. We know they will serve a story purpose in one way or another, but I'm not interested in that. Do they offer monetary gain? What are the benefits of taking part in these side activities, if any? Also, reasons for why you guys took out dice poker. :teeth:

Previous games had quite good gear distribution. For example you would get a new, unique, sword at pretty adequate intervals, it didn't drown the player in loot (aside from "trash" swords in W2 and stuff like that, not counting those), but you always knew you would get something new just around the corner. It was great. But this was heavily helped by the fact that the games were fairly linear (especially if compared to the scope and size of W3).

We know the ancient Witcher schematics will offer the ultimate gear and so on, but how is the loot curve up until then? Are we to expect more loot abundance since devs need to compensate for the player possibly missing certain places (since the world is so big)? Would certain items be duplicated to make sure a player does not miss a certain piece of loot? And speaking of these schematics, how hard is it to acquire them? Do we just stumble upon them or are they really hard to find and would need quite a bit of investigation on the player's part?

Skellige (and other regions, but Skellige especially)
I really love Skellige and I really hope you guys will showcase it more, anything from its snowy plains to its cold climate forests.

Also on that note, do all the areas in a region feature a difficulty curve in some way? e.g. player starts in an easy area and naturally progresses to more tougher areas. If this is the case, is the progression similar in all regions or are some regions "tougher" than the others? From what I gathered over the past year, Skellige might be more "end-gamey" compared to the other regions (NML and Novigrad), are my assumption true in any way?

Any news on cloaks? Around Gamescom, Michal Stec said you guys are still uncertain about their implementation, an update on those would be nice.

That's what I could think about off the top of my head, will give it more thought and maybe write a follow up post.

Thank you very much for doing this, it's always good to see a CM acting like a direct line between the devs and the community. I appreciate that greatly. :)
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Hmmm, I notice that what is clearly the most important question, the One to rule them all, has not yet been asked.

How does looting other people's houses work, exactly? There was mention of this being treated as stealing (Ugh, something that is completely out of character for Geralt. Just... ugh, obviously) but it's something that hasn't been talked about ever since. Is the stealing system still in place?
Well not including something that was included is like excluding
Is like if I make a group with me, you, broccolisoup and docttj then I destroy the group to immediately make a new one, but then with me, you and broccolisoup only, it's the same as excluding docttj
(Well that was a bad of an example but I hope I was clear)
After all, the overall change is the same independent of the route chosen. So if either way exists (your's "not including" plus our excluding) the outcome "no dice poker" will happen anyway, and anyway we'll be sad

Have a look at the post I was responding too, it was asking why dice poker was not present in the new Witcher game installment. So it's not about the outcome but about the decisions that led to it.
We have a thread on this but I figured I'd ask in this

Will the physical edition of The Witcher 3 on PC get a GoG key or will it just be the discs?
You're my new favorite. This entitles you to a hero cookie and moving your desk to the front of the class.
Well what do you know, bear has become teacher's new star pupil Kinley.
View attachment 7079

Anyway, second question from me if that is allowed.
How agressive exactly are the enemies in WItcher 3 and do they have some morality system going on in combat?

For example, do all wolves you encounter in the wilderness attack you and fight to the death or do they sometimes avoid Geralt and circle around him?
(Didnt exactly care much about all those low level wolfies biting at my heels in Skyrim who stop only when you chop their heads off)

And if Geralt kills say, over 80% of some bandit group he encounters in combat, do they have sometimes brains to flee or surrender in some circumstances? (Call me sissy if you want but I always feel in RPGs more rewarding that I can spare additional lives rather than take them)


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-I would like to know , if geralt has special movements with the swords or magic.
-The combo system will be like witcher 2 , with two buttons(Heavy and light atacks)??? But I hope it has with better mechanics.
-The console version will be impresive or not. And also if you have play to the game on consoles.
-The game has diferents places , I mean , it will has places variety.

I want to answer me but if that is possible of course.

Thank you
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And if Geralt kills say, over 80% of some bandit group he encounters in combat, do they have sometimes brains to flee or surrender in some circumstances? (Call me sissy if you want but I always feel in RPGs more rewarding that I can spare additional lives rather than take them)
That.. was confirmed long ago, as well as that some groups might not be completely aggressive to you if you somehow 'helped' related groups in a quest
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