I thought I've lost my videogame passion for good after realising I have lost the interest I once had in games like NIOH or AC Origins or Dark Souls. I still think those have many qualities, but for some reason one day I felt the thrill was gone.
Then, 2 weeks ago I visited a friend who owns a mini Super NIntendo and we spent an afternoon playing Mario Kart and TMNT. That's was very refreshing. So now I'm having fun with games with simple commands (jump, crouch, run) -- which doesn't mean, of course, those are "simpler games" than the above. Or better. Maybe I just have my share of 3rd person action RPG game.
I'll still come back to Dark Souls and try to finish it, but only because it's very unique (level design, intriguing world). I didn't finish the second The Witcher 3 DLC, the one about the vineyards and I intend to. But then again, It's a truly unique game.
Maybe I grow tired of repeatedly giving a shot to ARPG games only because they are ARPG games.
Anyway, now I'm having a blast with Spelunky. What a devilish game. And I have an eye on Crypt of the Necrodancer, which is on sale now on PSN Store.