What is rude/BM in a match?

What is rude/BM in a match?

I would appreciate knowing more about actions and strategies that are considered rude or bad manners because sometimes I have a hard time making them out in the game, maybe because of my upbringing, lack of common sense or Im too casual. I know this could be related to GG topics, but my point is regardless of that. For example, are control decks, spy cards or emoting "thanks" rude?
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Certain decks like control or spy are normal strategies and not rude at all. On other things like not giving GGs or Emotes everyone will have different opinion and there are threads about that.
I personally don't like playing all cards after one passed into a lost. I wouldn't call it rude but annoying...
Opponents Emotes can be muted so this isn't a problem for me.
Letting the timer run out to discard a random card or letting the timer run almost out to steal time are other heavily discussed topics... At least I would call the second one rude if its done every round.
Sometimes when you are leading in the third round and a person has the last card and they know they are going to win, rather than play it, they emote and wait for the timer to run down, before finally playing their card. I think that type of behavior should qualify as a ban. Anyhow, from my experience most people play nice, and over 80 percent GG
In a game with so little social interaction, there isn't much you can do. The only three things you can do that is considered rude behavior are:
  1. Spam emotes (can be disabled, though)
  2. Play out all cards when you have already won (opinions may vary, but the fact remains that most people find it rude, so don't do it)
  3. Needlessly roping
I think turkey slapping is pretty much bad manners. Anything else, no-holds-barred. Although, you act like a douche and find emotes funny, Ima no gg you cold.
Im saying because sometimes I watch some streamers calling something rude after a specific play, like destroying a specific card on the board or giving a spy to get card advantage in some situations that I dont understand why it would personally hurt. For me it's a game after all and it seems ok, but I dont want to be ignorant when they are not obviously kidding. I havent asked them on chat because I thought it would be silly, but whatever, Im doing here first.
seffard;n9318081 said:
Im saying because sometimes I watch some streamers calling something rude after a specific play
It's a natural thing to react to a smart move from your oponnent when he's wreckling your own strategies. Most of the time people are not refering to the players behavior, but to the stituation itself.
As an example of my last game, I was playing my Dorf deck and my Oponnent had a Henselt with Reavers. He tried to push me from round 1 asap with the Seargents + Henselt combo, but I happened to have an Epidemic in hand. Then he played the Temerian Infantrymen and I just played Eithné and recasted Epidemic. Guess what? Rage quit.

The only behaviors that can be considered rude IMO are the ones posted by 4RM3D.
4RM3D;n9316811 said:
In a game with so little social interaction, there isn't much you can do. The only three things you can do that is considered rude behavior are:
  1. Spam emotes (can be disabled, though)
  2. Play out all cards when you have already won (opinions may vary, but the fact remains that most people find it rude, so don't do it)
  3. Needlessly roping

this, 100% correct !! out of this, giving or not GG cannot be considered rude , because doesn't matter at all
playing tier 1 and spell decks in casual mode

intentional slow play when you're losing

spamming emotes (but those can be muted, so not that big of a deal)
The only thing that really bothers me is roping (waiting to the last second every turn to play). Once or twice per game in a crucial moment is fine and expected. Doing it every turn is really bad form. When people do this I won't good game them.

Spamming emotes or continuing to play after opponent passes are also annoying ... but not as bad IMO. I'll still give the other play gg, but I'm judging them.
fostdecile;n9318111 said:
For me, it is rude when players forfeit 3 seconds before the match is concluded. I mean, can you wait an extra 2 seconds or are you just salty?

I'd say that if you're really going for the most efficient play, saving that extra 3 seconds can be worth it. Even small numbers add up after a while; saving 3 seconds in 5 games equals a total of 15 seconds saved and so on.

I very rarely forfeit to save those 3 seconds myself, but I can understand people (for example those who grinded for Gamescom qualification) who do it.
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