What is up with the NPC A.I code programming regarding driving and walking? they seem to be soul-less husks and barely react

CDPR have not improved from Witcher 3 regarding npc interaction and general routines.

The Witcher npcs (of all 3 games), with the exception of Novigrad, had their homes, their daytime occupation. They reacted to danger and to weather.

They have shown they can code better AI. This is simply a rushed and unfinished product.
The game is a bit over ambitious and thinking it would come out to be as amazing as gta is a bit of a far stretch imo. go check out rockstar videos about creating the game you will see they put in some serious next level work, years and years ahead of the curve
Depends how much you want to pay for the game. They would spend twice as much time on it and release at twice the cost in a few years.
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