when you play a card you should get 20 seconds of extra time on your turn.

when you play a card you should get 20 seconds of extra time on your turn.

When I was playing I did not feel rushed by the time but I know and watched other people have a hard time with the clock.

So I think after playing something like a Last wish or Birna Bran it takes a few seconds todraw the cards and get this discard screen up so adding like 15 or 20 seconds seems fair. these are big plays with big consequences we need time to make the right plays.
I said this in another thread but I wouldn't mind the clock to reset. Drawing cards gives a lot more options and the player should be granted the time to make an informed decision. I hated rushing to discard after drawing.
Sounds good. If you have cards with complicated effects (like pulling other cards and letting you CHOOSE things) I think you should get more time to compensate for you having to navigate through the deck/cards and make your decisions.
I agree. As there are many new cards with new effects, I have to read and make a clear decision.
Maybe there could be a button for asking your a opponent to get more time (maybe allowed to use once or twice) :D
I agree also. While its not a problem when we play a single simple card and that 40 sec is enaugh, its getting harder when we are starting to use some more advanced cards or starting to chain some combos which involes some greaveyard or deck opening etc.
Keep in mind that in beta you will be able to familiarise yourself with deck, also you will gain access to new cards slowly so you shouldn't be overwhelmed
You can't plan for Birna Bran or The Last Wish. She Draws you 2 cards, then you discard 2.

Even so, You get 45 seconds to make a decision. You weigh your options and you have 15 seconds left; That is not enough time to play Birna Bran now so you weigh that choice, can I play her and then your getting rushed and rush and stressed and stressed and then you rush and play something else.
We should get a full minute minimum, but preferably 70 seconds or so.

Unless we're allowed to turn off animations completely, to suggest you get the full 45 seconds as is it right now is also a lie - bringing up the graveyard, drawing new cards (to choose from), etc. eat into the already short timer, which is flat out unfair and punishing.

Making decisions in a super fast manner is not a signal of strategy or intelligence and is falsely praised. It only proves who can operate under stress, not who has the best mind for the game. I don't care who can operate under stress, that's not the reason for playing a turn based game; that's for games that happen in real time. The best speed chess player in the world has nothing on the best chess player overall.
The op's suggestion is legitimate but those who endorse a larger timer across the board should shelf that till beta or something. I'm sure the devs know the delicate balance involved in round timers and don't want those who go brain neutral during rounds to be benefactors over those who are more vigilant in their pre-calculations. Familiarity with the game can also go a long way, so lets chill out.
45 sec. most of the time i enough.
Still in some sitation extra time will be helpful.
My idea is to give opportunity to use simple Time-out (extra 30-45 sec) once per game.
Yeah card draw seemed a bit slow for me and the screen is filled with all those thing you don't need thus you don't see the board in the background!
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