Where are the corporations?

Not sure if this is just me, but I was expecting more of the corpo involvement in the game. Things like:

-Breaking into corp to steal some super secret tech
-Being hire by corp for some tough job, perhaps even against other corp
-Exploring more about corporations, their leaders, interests and involvement in world and so on

There are large corpo building visible from almost any part of the map, yet you dont get inside them.

Most of the game feels to me like being NCPD cop, busting drug labs, killing gangs, being detective, walking the streets...

I would be far more happy if there were more quests like the main one or Meredith quest.

How about you guys?
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Yeah that is what I thought this game would mainly be about which is there through the main story but the only corporation that really exists in story is Arasaka which sucks. I thought Militech would be a strong Opponent to Arasaka considering the Fourth Corporate War. Biotechnica and Petrochem are huge huge huge players in the Cyberpunk universe and have buildings and compounds around the map but met zero NPC's that work there. They never even come up which is just sad, then you have all the small businesses that should be there. Night City should feel like Silicon Valley on steroids as it was a city built by and for corporations though only one seems to be present.
Yeah that is what I thought this game would mainly be about which is there through the main story but the only corporation that really exists in story is Arasaka which sucks. I thought Militech would be a strong Opponent to Arasaka considering the Fourth Corporate War. Biotechnica and Petrochem are huge huge huge players in the Cyberpunk universe and have buildings and compounds around the map but met zero NPC's that work there. They never even come up which is just sad, then you have all the small businesses that should be there. Night City should feel like Silicon Valley on steroids as it was a city built by and for corporations though only one seems to be present.

Yea, agree completely. Did we even get the chance to get on the Arasaka carrier called the "Whale" that was teased in TV when loading during first act? Entire game feels to me like a lot of things didnt get into production due to rush to publish the game.
Not sure if this is just me, but I was expecting more of the corpo involvement in the game. Things like:

-Breaking into corp to steal some super secret tech
-Being hire by corp for some tough job, perhaps even against other corp
-Exploring more about corporations, their leaders, interests and involvement in world and so on

There are large corpo building visible from almost any part of the map, yet you dont get inside them.

Most of the game feels to me like being NCPD cop, busting drug labs, killing gangs, being detective, walking the streets...

I would be far more happy if there were more quests like the main one or Meredith quest.

How about you guys?
Agreed, though there are some shards and gigs foreshadowing that a big war is looming between Arasaka and Militech.
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