Sounds all too familiar. If my 970 were to die -- heaven forbid! -- I'd be out of the gaming loop for quite a while.It's all I got. If it goes kaput then not getting game no more.
Sounds rather roundabout. You may want to consider a backup plan. . .I have talked with a guy who knows a guy, that has a friend that works at Micro center that might be able to get me setup with a RTX 3080. He said something about taking it in the rear, so I guess drive around back of the store?
Rip.I recently upgraded to 2080 super
Same. Personally I ain't got that kind of money.1070. I figure if it can play Control and Death Stranding it'll be able to play this. Also to upgrade my gfx card I'll have to put in a new power supply as well which I'm not looking forward to.
I still have my 1080Ti water cooled, but I have talked with a guy who knows a guy, that has a friend that works at Micro center that might be able to get me setup with a RTX 3080. He said something about taking it in the rear, so I guess drive around back of the store?