Which Characters Would You Like to See in Gwent's Journeys?

He would be an intriguing choice, indeed. I am still mildly surprised, thus far, that we've never seen his human form, of his girls, Tea and Vea, as cards yet.

Upon reflection, it would be quite entertaining to learn more about
his adventure with the bounty-hunters, and the riled Queen of Zerrikania -- of which we catch but a scrap in the introduction to Thronebreaker.
I guess Triss, Zoltan, Dandelion are main characters that will probably follow up and they have neutral cards too. Maybe Keira, or Shani (based on their appearances on the witcher games) rather than their gwent faction.
Although I like this idea, personally, I'd rather wish we might see a lengthier story about Iorveth and Saskia, perhaps in another game, even. (Overly-wishful thinking, probably.)
I'm thinking maybe once the main cast is in the game (triss, dandelion, zoltan) maybe cdpr would do well to combine characters into journeys. so for example you could make a iorveth vs roche journey with both characters as leaders (for ST and NR in this case, rotating factions per journey I guess) and fewer vanity items per character.
I mean there are only so many characters left that make sense as neutral leaders, at some point journeys will need re-thinking.
Burza said during yesterday's TWiG that Roach often comes up when they're discussing future Journey characters (or something along those lines). So, there is hope. :D
If we're going with neutrals, it would be nice to see Journey Characters that could be combined into expansions or Board themes with the ones siggested (Regis, Dandelion, Triss, Vesemir, etc). Just a few thoughts:

Siegfried of Denesle + Vizima Board or Witcher 1 expansion cards
The Operator + Loc Muinne Board/Trinkets
Esterad Thyssen + Kovir and Poviss Expansion/Cardbacks
Ihuarraquax + Korath Desert trinkets (Heatwave theme lol)
Odrin + Celebrations (Imbaelk, Belleteyn, Lammas, Saovine, etc).
Myrgtabrakke + Dragons Expansion

I think faction specific leaders would be limiting, especially if you don't play the faction regularly (I'd love Roche but unless the theme was pure Northern Realms, it wouldn't make sense for his character. And NR-Only is pretty limiting for a Journey).
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