Who do you want to watch your back Eskel or Lambert ?

I read somewhere that Eskel is as experienced and effective as Geralt, though Lambert would be the much more entertaining companion to have around, if you can put up with his attitude.
Eskel for sure. Lambert is fun, but Eskel is the man. I'd actually like the next Witcher game to feature Eskel as the main character. He is totally different to Geralt, very simple and relaxed.
Lambert for sure would be fun company...one you must constantly keep an eye on to not get in trouble lol

...However prefer my Eskel babe. That scared wolf grew on me since TW1...hmmm...must be those damn scars, always was weak on them. Sorry but not sorry for saying it.
Eskel for sure. I do like Lambert, but he just doesn't seem as trustworthy as Eskel does. Not to mention Eskel is older and more experienced, and far calmer. He does have a sense of humour, too.
In my imagination I think that Eskel would be a more taciturn but dependable companion. Geralt would be more comfortable with him on the Path.
Lambert is too emotional and is a bitter man, the events of Following The Thread made me dislike him.
Lambert of course. His sarcasm is on par with Geralt!
Eskel is more the strong and silent type. But so silent that it get´s boring.
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