Who else is tired of CDPR apologists?

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I'm so frigging tired of people blindly, senselessly defending CDPR at this point.
It makes me sick, that so many people don't want to accept the truth right before their eyes and instead go to any length to try to pass the blame or pretend everything is fine.
You are not turning traitor if you accept that CDPR screwed up and blame them, you are no traitor if you accept that they were dishonest about what was in the game, in which condition the game was and how it runs on last gen consoles.
You can do all of that and criticize CDPR AND STILL BE A FAN of the studio and their games.

I've been a fan since Witcher 1 I've pre-ordered Witcher 3, bought the seasons pass, pre-ordered Cyberpunk as soon as possible, all because of the effort CDPR put into their projects, all because they had this creed of being pro-gamers, pro-consumers, but it is obvious that this took second or third place behind money and investors interest and that this was the reason for all the claims they made about Cyberpunk and the state it was in.
They wanted to satisfy their investors and get their part of that sweet Christmas money and thus they released a game in a sad state, not working properly for money and in many ways feeling like half the game they promised.
And I'm angry about that, I'm angry that Cyberpunk, which clearly could have become a fantastic game (which when you look beyond the bugs and missing features still is a solid game, with some great parts) isn't what they claimed, I'm angry that the interest of their player base wasn't important enough to play it safe and release the game when it was finished.

And to be honest, all this anger and frustration is multiplied by reading all the sad attempts to defend them and instead blame the fans, the press, investors, claim that for whatever reasons there are people or organizations out to ruin and destroy them and what other ridiculous claims I've read over the last few weeks.
Even their investors feel cheated and are suing them over it, get that into your head people.

At this point, they need to fix the game, reintroduce the parts that were scrapped and hopefully deliver some good DLC parts. If they do all this, it's a different story, but up until them, they deserve the blame, they deserve the criticism and for me people being blind fanboys over them, just makes the whole situation even worse.
My perspective is simple : I'm waiting to see what will come in the next few months (Hello games vs EA paths).

Not sure it's healthy to blame and join the already vocal hate train.

If they don't deliver in term of bug fixing, give us roadmaps on updates, communicate properly, I'll move on, will basically stop caring about this company and support them in any way.
Who's defending them? They've been trashed on all fronts since launch. Other publishers have taken less heat for worse products than this, but CDProjekt is being held to a higher standard I guess.

Obviously they lied to launch the game and I'm not making excuses for that, but I am loving my time in Night City and have been unable to stop playing since launch. Almost 100h of gameplay at the moment and growing.

The core game and what they achieved is awesome and I don't think they will abandon it. I think they will fix it and deliver on all their promises. Game is a massive success, despite all the hate they're getting and I'm glad because I want more Cyberpunk.
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