I think that would ruin most of the characters as the Fixers are dispatching us to murder, steal, sabotage, and worse.
Judy, Panam, and the others aren't the Kingpin of Crime.
I like that dark edge for V that they can do good things and have friends but, at the end of the day, are basically an employed hitman.
No there not your right but as i said Judys all about helping ppl that need it, joytoys, dolls etc etc nothing stopping her throwing missions our way doing things like that just like theres nothing stopping Panam throwing out missions that revole around the raffen etc.
Your seeing it from the pov of what we have, im seeing it from what they could've went with, your also seeing it from the pov of what you like which is being a hitman though ive personally never had that feeling and felt exactly as i am, a merc that can come in various forms, i do need to try the hitman out though sounds fun.
We get the Peralez mission because Judy recommends us, so ppl know her and know to approach her to recommend ppl for jobs ontop of her connections with the mox, friends at clouds, highly sought after experience in tech etc etc again no reason not to have her as a quest giver but have her quests revolve around themes of in and out, no unnecessary blood shed etc etc.
What i said you could copy/paste to everyone else and it would simply work.
What we got is what we have and i can work with it but it dont change how fixers are introduced, how much i personally dont care about them and how easy everyone of them could be replaced with a talking vending machine and not alot changes.
Having the ppl associated with the MQ become the ppl that "recommend" you for the side jobs or just give em to you as is currently done just solves, for me, a few problems
Heck in Act 1 it could've been T-Bug and jackie handing out the available missions and it covers "time spent" with them.