Whoever thought camera reset was a good thing needs to question his humanity

Whoever thought camera reset was a good thing needs to question his humanity

I was trying to hold it in, but it got too annoying now, after 180h it is starting to rustle mi jimmies.
Why? Why in a million years would you include that into any game ever?... unless you're Dead Space, where it was actually useful during the zero grav missions, and there was a button there to do it, it wasn't automatic. What kind of demented twisted individual do you have to be to bring this kind of pain onto others? Do you have no souls? Seriously... patch it in the 1.07 where there is an option in the menu to toggle it, it shouldn't be too hard, we need to exercise these demons!
I do question how some things made it to the final release of the game.You'd think testers would have sorted these things out with complaints.

Camera reset both on foot/horseback and the auto sheathing are nothing more than hindrances. These have been common complaints with seemingly simple fixes so you'd think these would have been fixed a long time ago.

They're not a huge deal to me honestly; I just can't see why they aren't addressed by now.
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I think camera reset is a feature for casuals who can't get used to control the camera on the right stick. I suppose it doesn't make much sense on PC, but on consoles it make sthe game playable for people who would otherwise not play it all. My wife can't stand a game like this that doesn't have camera reset. She gets all mixed up. Then again... she would never play TW3 - too hardcore and serious for her. But I guess there are other super-casuals out there would are very uncomfortable with the controls and would still like to play TW3. Hence camera reset.

I would like it to be optional, though. I really dislike it. It serves a bit of a purpose when you have a face button as the sprint button, but I actually prefer to ninja some cross-fingers and control the right stick while I'm holding X.

I really like watching the side scenery while I'm on Roach - and camera reset makes it really difficultt and annoying.
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