The newer Deus Ex games do not have level cap. They technically don't even have levels, every time you pass the xp limit, you get new point to buy new abilities.
I personally liked that and preferred it to CP2077 levels. It allows for not having areas locked off based on enemy level / bullet sponges but instead by having the enemies be elite in harder areas, with more skills, better armour and better weapons.
It removes the issue of finding iconic items and having them completely obsolete in an hour.
It gives you the ability to focus your build at start, and later become Jack of all trades if you wish so.
Not having multiple levels also means the torn t-shirt you find today can have the exact same defense as the t-shirt you bought right before setting off for the final boss, except the new one is now purple or legendary as your street cred is higher (would perhaps allow for more creative use of Street Cred instead of current way).
It would also allow for old armour to have better protection than that brand new shiny bra, because... It's armour and it should have better protection than any bra, even aramid-woven one.
Not having levels also means the pistol you picked up at the beginning performs like it should regardless if you are shooting at guy in rags in front of you or another one across the street that would otherwise have same rags, but was 50 levels higher. And at the same time it will underperform against armour-clad elites at the beginning the same way as at the end, like it should.
It would allow for customising your gun you fell in love when you found it, not forcing you to throw it away in 10 minutes because the new one is exactly the same except pink/green, shooting the same bullets, but doing 20x the damage because it's level 50 instead of 10.
Oh well, just a few of my thoughts, you may agree with them or not, perhaps those who prefer looter shooters like chasing for that extra 10 damage (that will perform exactly the same on the enemy that has just leveled up with you, against whom the gun you had before seemed to work just fine an hour ago) and would find sticking to one weapon boring. To each what they like.