Why does there always have to be something new?

Well, I guess it’s a choice for variety whether you kill from a distance or go up close and personal.
How this differs from real life?

I like how there are situations where V can get de-escalate certain situations all together.
You will always have haters, but I think most people with valid complaints just want more Cyberpunk. And I'm in the same boat. I'm at that part of the game where I did almost every side mission, and the game seems "dead". I just want more ways to interact and immersive myself in the world.
It's a bit curious this dead game thing. People read a book, they may or may not return to book again or watch a movie and never watch it again, could be a play too. Nobody refers old movies or books dead. It's rather weird definition for creative work that there's should be something all the time in that. Ideas live in people's head. I remember things from Neuromancer, I remember things from Cyberpunk 2077.

Take Night City gangs and how interconnectivity is used in game. They are not organizations that are for it but for themselves, they are between nations inside a nation and mini corporations. They benefit from pressure to ordinary citizens as that fuels their needs to security gangs provide (something not asking if people want that protection) they benefit from need to escapism in form of selling illegal Braindances and illegal drugs via Tyger Claws ghetto pharmacy and in cases of cyberpsychosis, only treatment that in theory slows that down is then via 6th Street ghetto pharmacy. Gangs also benefit from shadier stuff corps outsource for them. So they are very good example of side effects of issues in society becoming problem itself, as they don't contribute towards social capital and in fact, they gain their power through collapsing social fiber of Night City.

Interconnectivity goes further than that but it's very good take about something that is that reality, could be ours too and it's this sort of things that makes works of fiction work for me. Meanwhile something like throwing darts minigame or pool, such things are utterly uninteresting to me.

This is to add to my previous post in this topic, how having very big feature sets in game appeal to different kinds of crowds and say "game is dead if someone isn't fiddling with it all the time" that's one point of view, but just one. It's not anymore universally true than saying "Neuromancer is dead because I'm not reading that at the moment".
So this is a why aren't we still playing pong thread?

New things keep people interested and can effect future sales
Its not that its "dead" and needs new things. The problem is the game itself is just broken and with major game breaking bugs.
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