Why is Sigvald only 7 provisions?

Can someone please explain why Sigvald is only 7 provisions? This card has no ceiling, has very few answers, a good effect on its own, never mind the order ability which makes him play for like 50+ points (or just becomes a targeted scorch). He’s not even row locked. It makes me laugh that Olgierd: Immortal is 9 provisions when compared to this card.

They put row lock on cards that don’t need the balance from it like Imlerith and then make Sigvald basically only answerable by heatwave. Like we don’t have enough cards that are already answer-or-lose.
I disagree with most of this sentiment. Sigvald can be answered directly by destroy effects, poison, resets, and locks. He can be mitigated by purify.

But mostly, I disagree that he is a remove or lose card. He is of very limited value alone — his value generally comes from multiple synergizing cards. Often, he cannot play for that much value. And often he can be countered by responding to the supporting cards (like Knut or Melusine) rather than dealing with Sigvald directly.

And in uncommon situations where Sigvald plays for huge value, he needs numerous other cards like Knut, Mardroeme, Becker’s Dark Mirror, Cerys, etc. These supporting cards cost provisions too, and they require turns play. Overall, the effect is not that great except in very greedy versions which typically lose if Sigvald is answered.
Sigvald is cheap indeed.

@quintivarium's point about the answers is only partially correct. Poison and lock applies pretty much just to NG, so they cannot be considered as an answer by other factions.

That said, I tend to agree with @quintivarium that Sigvald is not remove or lose kind of card. Compared to Fucusya and Waylay combos that are deploy-deploy-deploy (I hate those), Sigvald could be answered in progress but it is not too easy. In the current meta I recommend Vigo's Muzzle that rarely bricks and could be used to steal many other cards.

In the meantime, Sigvald+Knut or Sigvald+Cerys create a very powerful engine that gives multiple points each turn.

Personally, I would evaluate Sigvald as 9 provision card. I was reaching pro rank in the last two months with self-damage deck, and I've got a lot of value out of this card.
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Because the card is "fresh" in its current form. "Fresh" can mean a couple of months in case of what the developers consider before revisioning the card and make potential adjustments. If a card is not overly broken (in developers' view), it will not see a nerf too soon, which is likely the case for Sigvald.
I Will agree with @quintivarium i dont think The card is so broken as People saying.

You need some turns to get value.

He is real problems i think are:

- knut - only a card that can be answered, special If He is at 5 points.
- ceris - an expensive card
- mardroeme interaction
- bekkers dark mirror.

I think The Last 2 are the big problem. I start nerfing it to not be affect by any special card - despite alchemy - played from the own player. Só The bekkers interaction is gone.
This card is completely broken and as some have pointed out, he should be MINIMUM 9p. He isn't easily answered, and these kind of greedy decks that use this annoying card are designed to overload you with threats so that if you answer one thing you cannot answer another, not to mention it all gets ressed again.
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