Why repeat Nocturne OP55N1 Over and over and over again

Look I understand playing through the story arch and that the finality is to go to Arasaka and Alt to finish off everything. But once you do the ending that you have followed by choices it's stupid to have to repeat it. To experience all endings that I can understand. But being stuck on a reoccurring loop to do the same thing over and over. After its done unless you make a new character why not add missions from fixers 1,000 missions for the fixers that you have us discover and have done jobs before. this isn't gta where running over np's and stealing cars is the thing to do when you're done. Also, no multi-player? If there was something like what Watchdogs legion is currently doing and you have friends help with GROUP MISSIONS. not this willy nilly crap of I go over here and do it. Do it together the group effort needs to happen or the PC dies and the mission is failed. People in MMO forget what teamwork is. Need a fixer (NPC) Solo and a Netrunner. This game can be more than what it is besides sitting and saying that it cant be done.
Look I understand playing through the story arch and that the finality is to go to Arasaka and Alt to finish off everything. But once you do the ending that you have followed by choices it's stupid to have to repeat it. To experience all endings that I can understand. But being stuck on a reoccurring loop to do the same thing over and over. After its done unless you make a new character why not add missions from fixers 1,000 missions for the fixers that you have us discover and have done jobs before. this isn't gta where running over np's and stealing cars is the thing to do when you're done. Also, no multi-player? If there was something like what Watchdogs legion is currently doing and you have friends help with GROUP MISSIONS. not this willy nilly crap of I go over here and do it. Do it together the group effort needs to happen or the PC dies and the mission is failed. People in MMO forget what teamwork is. Need a fixer (NPC) Solo and a Netrunner. This game can be more than what it is besides sitting and saying that it cant be done.

I kinda sorta agree with this but not all. After my first play through and that ridiculous and irritating ending I had, then to find out no matter what you did, all the endings were pretty much the same thing, I decided not to go beyond the 'point of no return'. I'm at that point now with my second play through. I'll finish cleaning up the map, explore some more, then back up my saves and start over either with a new character or again at save one.

I will not play past the point of no return, that's my choice. Up to that point, I genuinely enjoy the game. Simply put, after investing that many hours into my character, then to find out that no matter what you do, your character pretty much dies anyway. All that time for what? This one point is an old topic on it's own, but you get the idea.

As for Multi-player? I couldn't care less and I for one don't see that as an answer to the current issues with the game. Adding multi-player right now would just seriously compound the existing issues, let's give CDPR time to get things back on track first. I never did care for MMO / multi-player online games. Some do, some of us don't. But if they do later, that's fine too, I just don't need to be part of it.

That said, I still feel there is still so much potential for this game. We just have to be patient and hope that CDPR gets things worked out. Maybe they will even put in at least one good (happy) ending, so you can at least feel you accomplished something. Now there is a crazy idea...
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Look I understand playing through the story arch and that the finality is to go to Arasaka and Alt to finish off everything. But once you do the ending that you have followed by choices it's stupid to have to repeat it. To experience all endings that I can understand. But being stuck on a reoccurring loop to do the same thing over and over. After its done unless you make a new character why not add missions from fixers 1,000 missions for the fixers that you have us discover and have done jobs before. this isn't gta where running over np's and stealing cars is the thing to do when you're done. Also, no multi-player? If there was something like what Watchdogs legion is currently doing and you have friends help with GROUP MISSIONS. not this willy nilly crap of I go over here and do it. Do it together the group effort needs to happen or the PC dies and the mission is failed. People in MMO forget what teamwork is. Need a fixer (NPC) Solo and a Netrunner. This game can be more than what it is besides sitting and saying that it cant be done.
the intention of this was already leaked pretty early by dataminers in the first view weeks - a team/coop system for missions where you took different roles. however its either cut as many other things or just not finished yet.
I know I am a minority perhaps for thinking this (or believing) but I dont think the game's end, was supposed to be the actual ending of the story.
Somehow I'm still convinced it was a cliffhanger the size of mars and you'd be flung over the cliff for good measure.
Its almost glaring to me.
In such case I can understand why there no post-ending stuff. We're not at the end itself yet.
Which also makes me feel more sympathy for the existence of an NG+

My solution right now is playing 4 playthroughs in various stages of the game with more or less concern for my actions to mitigate the effects of one playthrough and riding that to the end.
I have my 'main' Nomad girl that I want to craft a good story with, explore the lore and the world.
Then I have an 'alternate' Corpo that I use to look at the world through a corpo's eyes but do more or less the same as for my main.
Another one is the nomad character from my main in a corpo life and play the game as a total idiot with no regards for collateral damage.
And lastly I just started a streetkid because I never really did any decent streetkid before.

Depending on my mood, select the 'correct' character for the day and go at it.
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