Banned for failing to clean up on aisle five.
CyberBrett Senior user #3,882 Dec 5, 2019 I was feeling great til i came here and read these bans so you`re all banned 612 × 612
CyberBrett Senior user #3,887 Dec 6, 2019 Banned because i wasn`t asleep i was just resting my eyes .
zecenker Senior user #3,889 Dec 6, 2019 Banned for taking ZZ Top to zzzzzz's and beyond!! (I mean, seriously?! Have you people have no rock soul?!)
Banned for taking ZZ Top to zzzzzz's and beyond!! (I mean, seriously?! Have you people have no rock soul?!)
CyberBrett Senior user #3,895 Dec 7, 2019 Banned for making me remember TE6 is still a long way away .
CyberBrett Senior user #3,897 Dec 8, 2019 Banned for exaggerating CP2077 is just around the corner at 4 months