Why the person above you should be banned

^ Ban. I misread your post. Which was my mistake, but banning you makes me feel better.

^^ Ban. "Evil will always triumph, because good is dumb."
---Rick Moranis
^ Ban for making yourself feel better after giving a ban.

^^ Ban for giving a misled quote "Good will always triumph, because evil is dumb." #FREEHUGS, KISSES X AND HEARTS <3
^Banned for banning for a double ban.

^^Double-banned because double-bans are cool.

^^^Triple-banned for not being cool.
^ Unacceptable waiting time. Ban.

^^ Oooohhh...my screen didn't refresh in time. So frustrating. Banned.

(Side-note: Cool! You can make little triangles by using strikethrough + carat. [Ban.])
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