Why the person above you should be banned

Chuck Norris does not agree with your hypno-toad, kills the toad, and bans you for your weak will. You now feel the urge to grow a beard.
chuck noris.jpg
Ban for even suggesting that Chuck Norris needs to look at the toad to get it to shoot itself. The toad would just do so when it learned Chuck Norris was in the area.
Banned for advocacy of professional help when clearly she is not ok
i was really trying to follow the rules this time... ugh i never win these days
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Banned for insinuating someone not get professional help when they are not OK

Sorry if I caused any offense
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Sorry. I was referencing "Stan" by Eminem which is where the word stan comes from.
Permission to keep playing?
Banned because when am I ever going to get the chance to ban a moderator.
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