Why the person above you should be banned

Banned for that one thing you did or whatever it was. What was that thing again? Ah. I'm sure you probably know what you did. Yadda yadda yadda, by the power vested in me I hereby declare thee banned.
^ I didnt alarmed anyone, ban for supporting the population of half bull-half human when they raised false alarm
That's not a human-bull, have you never been to NC ZOO!??
That's the offspring of a bull and a kangaroo.
Misinterpreting mating interspecies. ban.
This thread is a forum game. Publicly discussing moderation has no place here, or in any other thread for that matter.
A few posts deleted.

And now back to the game.
Indeed it is.
^ Ban to say it out loud, exposing the hidden activities of the blue stripes.
Roche wont forgive.

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