Witcher 3 -also- had a lot of issues. CDPR fixed them. They will this.

I was doing this job then, at Launch. it was fun! The rage was..not small. Not as bad as this, I think, but still.

Here are the patch notes for W3. Quite a few features were added later and there were thousands of fixes. Thousands.

I hope this brings heart to some people. W3 didn't start out clean either and it's amazing now.

Some highlights I remember just driving people -nuts-:

Patch 1.0.4
  • Rebinding of all keys is now available after switching on the ‘Unlock Bindings' option in the Options\Key Bindings submenu.
Ahhhh..some things don't change..

  • Further improvements made in NVIDIA Hairworks performance.

This used to -destroy- systems. It was useless for the longest time. Still not great.

  • Fixes issues related to alt + tabbing and minimizing the game window.
This used to just flat out crash you. Often. Super infuriating.

  • Upgrading items included in gear sets no longer destroys rune sockets on said items.
This was an important change to gearing. And much requested.

Patch 1.05

  • Improves the distribution of experience points gained by completing quests with recommended levels lower than the player character level.
So, this was a huge change. If you had outlevelled an area, it was now XP wise useless to do quests there. Players skipped whole content because it was frustrating and they felt cheated.
  • Fixes an exploit whereby players could buy sea shells and sell the pearls inside them at a higher price.
We see this now, in Cpunk...

  • Geralt no longer interacts with candles placed near chests and other openable objects.
So this was a HUGE fix. It drove people -mental-. You'd just keep flipping the candle on, then off again! Near a chest or a body or whatever. SUPER enraging. Couldn't access it at all. People would run into walls and try from outside...nope. Candle on-candle off. Candle on-candle off! Seems small now, but at the time, the hate was very strong!
  • Vitality begins to drop if Toxicity exceeds 80%, as originally intended.
Whoops. Toxicity? What's that?
  • Fixes a rare issue whereby Geralt could not mount Roach after fast travelling between points.
This was super annoying.
  • Introduces a number of additional fixes to alt + tabbing.
Heh. Still fighting this one at this patch. At least Cpunk is fine.

  • Ciri can no longer unlock fast travel points.
Ahh yes. How to skip ahead. Whoops.

Patch 1.07 (07.18.2015)

  • A new, alternative (optional) movement response mode for Geralt.
This was another huge gameplay change. Default movement for Geralt had somehow passed testing and it SUCKED. Many many many many requests later, and months of work, it FINALLY got fixed! And the game was much better for it! CDPR is stubborn about it to this day, heh.
  • A player stash for storing items, available in various locations throughout the game. Stash locations are marked on the player's map.
That's right! No stash at launch! And for months! Like that item you can't use yet or has some weird relevance to you? Haul it everywhere forever! Thus sucked especially beeeecause:
  • Crafting and alchemy components no longer add to the overall inventory weight.
Yep. HUNDREDS of ingredients. Yeah. Yeaaaaaaah. And no stash. Good times. "CDPR WHY? WHY?" "CDPR why do I have NO WEIGHT LEFT! I can't even carry my own stuff!!!" Etc.

  • Multiple sorting options are now available in the Inventory.
Yep. The inventory for W3 was never great and until July, was in fact terrible! You had to carefully look for everything. Not a bug! A -feature-!

  • Alchemy formulas and crafting diagrams can be "pinned", meaning all components and ingredients required to make them will be conveniently marked in the Shop panel.
Finally we could put away the notepads we had pulled out for months. Not even kidding. Gamefaqs website lost like 70% of their traffic, i think! Yeah.

Patch 1.10 (09.10.2015)

Well, you can read this one. It's huge! The October Patch. Just before the Expansion and MAN had they been working on this one. Hundreds of listed fixes. Hundreds in this one patch alone.

I'm not saying Cpunk doesn't have issues. It does! Major ones! And some very....very weird design decision, to me. Like, penis physics but no barber/face surgeon? In CYBERPUNK? setting-wise, I should be able to walk into a Ripperdoc and get not just a haircut or tattoo, but a whole new face and gender! Weapons? I have 4,000 versions of the Copperhead rifle in so many levels, but I can't get a drink or dance in a bar? Or gamble? Or do drugs? Errr...what?



W3 started out with many many many bugs and performance issues and weeks of anger as well. I was there, doing this job. People were upset and mad, and often justifiably so. Many could not play the game, or lost saved or got stuck or were plain baffled by design decisions. Yes, consoles were in better shape, (I have no words for Cpunk base console issues. That sucks and you have my sympathy) but every platform had issues with Witcher 3 launch.

CDPR worked ardently to fix and improve them, and they will here as well.

Oh in case anyone wonders where I've been, Discord and Steam have been loads of fun. You all here are a relatively civilized excerpt. With some exceptions. You have my respect.

Also, yes, I think the game is brilliant and more than I hoped for. I really really do. I love it, as a 30+ year Cyberpunk player and Ref, and as a video game player for even longer.

It's an amazing, epic experience. I hope it works out better in the next few weeks and months and more of you come to love it as I do already.
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TW3 didn't have this plethora of cut content and thereby broken promises though which these forums are full to bursting off.

TW3 didn't even remotely release *this* broken, and I know, having played it from Day 1 on PS4.

TW3 also didn't even remotely feel this extremely rushed, as CP2077 does.

TW3 also never lacked this entirely any elements one would and should expect from an RPG; CP2077 does. There is pretty much nothing to justify calling it an RPG in it.
Which is probably why in the 11th hour even CDPR stopped doing so on Twitter.

And last but not least:
Even at launch, TW3's world didn't even remotely feel as devoid of life as Night City does.

I don't know what you're actually trying to do with this thread, because it really feels like you're trying to whitewash the fiasco that was CP2077's launch, which is a whole new dimension of messed up compared to TW3... and that whitewashing would be really disrespectful to the hundreds, if not thousands of users who are constructively voicing their criticism over cut content and other assorted issues that go so much farther beyond just bugs.

Do I believe they will fix the bugs in time?
They probably will.

Do I believe they will add all the missing content, all the stuff we were told would be in the game?
Sceptical, really sceptical... why was it all cut in the first place?

Do I believe they'll care about turning their city into what it was marketed to be, a living, breathing megalopolis, which it currently doesn't even come close to?

Is it even remotely acceptable to release a game this broken, this incomplete, for full price, call it a release master, when objectively speaking it is rather still in Early Beta?

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The Witcher 3 didn't have non functional AI. I'm certain that they will fix the greatest bugs and crashing and performance issues pretty quickly and adding more interactivity is simple in theory but the AI in this game seriously requires a whole replacement. I don't think that will be so easy and personally I think once performance issues get resolved the AI issues will become more and more in focus and this game will never live up to its potential without it being replaced, or rather actually existing in any form.
If you remember Sardukhar, as I was there as well, The Witcher 3's "downgrade" rage lasted nearly the entire lifespan of the game. The big difference here is that not only did Cyberpunk get downgraded but it was stripped of a bunch of important features.

CDPR never really addressed the "downgrade" stuff and I entirely suspect the announced "next gen Witcher 3 edition" is just a texture pack at best, something PC players have had on Nexus for a long time.

Cyberpunk's problems stretch far and wide to the point of almost being as bad as No Mans Sky. The PS4/Xbox One kerfuffle is just the tip of the iceberg. This doesn't play like a game that was worked on for 7 years or 4 years or 2 years. There is no innovation, all the mechanics in the game may as well have been copied directly from other games from decades past.

Players were expecting this game to trump The Witcher 3 but the shocking truth is that this game doesn't even beat The Witcher 2, an actual RPG that I'd much rather play than Cyberpunk. CDPR missed the mark in nearly every conceivable way and I've lived long enough to know that they're not going to fix the fundamentals of this game. The game is already released. It isn't in early access and unlike Hello Games, CDPR can financially survive if they drop Cyberpunk and move onto something else. I do not share your optimism whatsoever, The Witcher 3 was a finished product when it came out.
I don't know what you're actually trying to do with this thread, because it really sounds like you're trying to whitewash the fiasco that was CP2077's launch, which is a whole new dimension of messed up compared to TW3... and that whitewashing would be really disrespectful to the hundreds, if not thousands of users who are constructively voicing their criticism over cut content and other assorted issues that go so much farther beyond just bugs.

Yes, I was there at launch too. And there were thousands and thousands of complaints.

Whitewashing is a derogatory term used to minimalize a reasonable approach to an issue. Witcher 3 had many many bugs. "Broken promises" is a phrase tossed around a lot. It was tossed at Witcher 3 brutally over the graphics change, the magic changes and the AI and NPC interactivity. Yes, it was. CDPR hoped to have an interactive world where your actions in a village would change that village and the surrounding stories. This did not happen.

So it's easy to say "broken promises." Because to many people, as soon as you say, "We are going to do this!" or "We are working on this!" It's a promise. Even if it clearly says -in development, WILL change -.

That's not a promise.

Cut content is part of every single artistic act ever. Ever. We were never ever going to get everything CDPR was hoping for out of this game.

Again, base console performance? There is no excuse or explanation. Everyone unsatisfied should refund it. Absolutely. This is, sadly, why preorders can be cancelled as reviews come out.

I've said my piece. This has happened before and it will again. CDPR will fix 80% of this. Yes, they will. It's something to look forward to, is all.

And as for beating W2 and W3? Ha! A) Different genres B) It does on sooo many levels. So many! C) It absolutely does for me. Without question. The setting, the story, the gameplay, you name it. It's mostly a big, very buggy, leap forward.

As there are for Witcher 3, there will always be complaints and people who consider it a betrayal (downgrade) or overhyped (fighting sucked! Gameplay is just a copycat and weaker than anything else! Story was boring!) and there will always be those who do not.

You are free to be as upset as you like. Everyone is. I'm going back to Night City! I love it there.
i dont care about bugs and glitches, i care about cut content. Night City is boring there is nothing to do no activities (arcade cabinets, poker, braindance, strip clubs, romance, bowling, pool, darts, shogi... etc..) Devs praise and glorify Night City in every trailer but its dull and not accessable you are like outsider take few screenshots and get out of night city, you cannot participate in its night life at all.

P.S yeah some gigs are awesome and main story is made well.
Agreed op. The release was a shame but I have hope that Cyberpunk will be fixed to a satisfactory state within a few months.

Right now we're just contending with the DOOM brigade. I'm not saying people shouldn't be disappointed. They should. It was released too early. But the hyperbole I see from some people is just next level salt.
It isn't about the number of complaints though, it is about what they're complaining *about*.

And in TW3, there wasn't major gameplay loops suddenly missing with no explanation, there wasn't completely broken AI (AI issues, yes, but not this completely liveless and immersion-breaking), there weren't such questionable design choices that altered the feel of the entire game world, and the gameplay mechanics also didn't even remotely feel as lackluster as they do in this game.

And even though there was a discussion about how much RPG there really was in TW3, there is no question whatsoever that CP2077 is not even remotely an RPG, not even close to whatever TW3 was.
And that is one of its biggest issues and reason for complaints.
As you can see, it's the quality of the complaints that's relevant, not the quantity thereof.

So, once again, the fiasco that is CP2077's launch isn't even remotely comparable to TW3's... well, maybe in quantity of complaints, but certainly not in quality thereof, and most decidedly not concerning the quality of issues afflicting this game.

And, likewise, with this I have said my piece on these points, because on this we do agree, that it serves no purpose to go round and round in circles.
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Sorry while crashes and glitch can be fixed there are other big issues this game was and the issues were false advertisement to start with.

-Not interactive open world.
-Lack of rpg elements whatsoever
-huge lack of content and terrible pacing and time skip break up in the story.

To fix the game they would have to rework on it. ANd that is not happening. THis game has a beautiful open world but an huge lack of roleplay elements terrible customization and an empty soulless open world. All you can do in the game traslate with: Pew pew pew.
Cut content is a travesty.

Also maybe it's just me but when I create characters sometimes they look different after I start actually playing. Would've liked a barber or customization after starting.

But also lucky I didn't buy it on PS4 or Xbox One. They were misleading, to say the least, when they said it runs surprisingly well on current gen consoles.
Sorry while crashes and glitch can be fixed there are other big issues this game was and the issues were false advertisement to start with.

-Not interactive open world.
-Lack of rpg elements whatsoever
-huge lack of content and terrible pacing and time skip break up in the story.

To fix the game they would have to rework on it. ANd that is not happening. THis game has a beautiful open world but an huge lack of roleplay elements terrible customization and an empty soulless open world. All you can do in the game traslate with: Pew pew pew.
again, small print is your friend, you know the legal bit you simply click "accept" without reading, there's always a caveat that says some features may not make it into the game, we reserve the right to remove/add content from the game without notice etc etc etc as far as the false argument goes, as for gltiches..name me a flawless game that launched after the year 2000 without a single issue? that's right...you can't, nobody can.
I've said my piece. This has happened before and it will again. CDPR will fix 80% of this. Yes, they will. It's something to look forward to, is all.

Do you really think they'll fix the A.I, the terrible police system, the hollow perks, the poor customisation, the empty world, poor driving mechanics, etc?
If they could've added all the "broken promise" features back into The Witcher 3 do you think they would've eventually done that? There was a hell of a lot more promised about Cyberpunk than TW3. A lot more anticipation, a lot more false marketing and a shit load of pre-launch reviews that seemed bizarrely paid off and not in tune with reality.

The Witcher 3's launch was a breeze in comparison. A lot of the rage surrounding it's release was muffled by people enjoying the game. I was one of the people on here that said "It sucks that it doesn't look as good as what was shown in the trailer but its fundamentally the same game and it plays like it should". Cyberpunk isn't that, it's the reverse - the people enjoying it are severely muffled by the people who are unhappy for a plethora of reasons and fundamentally it is in no way shape or form similar to what was shown in the trailers or what the developers talked about.

I still remember trawling the early threads on Cyberpunk about what features were planned and announced. So much shit about how faithfully it would recreate the pen & paper RPG. Well after 45 hours, it's blatantly obvious it isn't an RPG and I see nothing of what players were hyped about. For CDPR to truly fix their mistake they're going to need to make a completely new game from scratch.
I am quite literally once again waiting for the day when that amazing game Cyberpunk 2077 drops and I don't think there are many who want that day more than me. I truly hope that day comes where I can sing CDPR's praises and my high regard is restored but I must make it clear that simply fixing the bugs and glitches will not suffice in this case. Through it all I wish them wonderful holidays and nothing but peace and good will regardless of how they 'fix' the 'game' but my future business and respect is hanging on much more than bugs and glitches. That's just how it is.
I don't think CDPR are primarily to blame, the sheer scope,size and vision of this game is limited by technology, not CDPR, i believe that CDPR genuinely wanted to add all these features into the game but the technological capacity simply isn't there yet, maybe if this game was made 10 yrs in the future, everyone would be estatic....
I don't think CDPR are primarily to blame, the sheer scope,size and vision of this game is limited by technology, not CDPR, i believe that CDPR genuinely wanted to add all these features into the game but the technological capacity simply isn't there yet, maybe if this game was made 10 yrs in the future, everyone would be estatic....

The technology actually is there, though. Even on older hardware it's there.
Ever played Red Dead Redemption 2?
The technology actually is there, though. Even on older hardware it's there.
Ever played Red Dead Redemption 2?
feel free to commune with the angry pitchfork weilding last-gen users then, even some pc users are struggling, if they had had added everything, the majority of the threads would be " it runs like crap..fix your game" so they're damned if they do and damned if they don't.
I don't think CDPR are primarily to blame, the sheer scope,size and vision of this game is limited by technology, not CDPR, i believe that CDPR genuinely wanted to add all these features into the game but the technological capacity simply isn't there yet, maybe if this game was made 10 yrs in the future, everyone would be estatic....

Yeah... no.

There are plenty of other games who do shooting better, driving better, hell, even just "copying" GTA V, a game that's been out for years, would have been a vast improvement over the current mechanics in CP2077.

Braindance getting cut from anything but missions, even though there's still an NPC vendor selling BDs?
That's not about technological limitations either, as after all, in missions they worked, and they're not really any more fancy than what Detroit Become Human did with their Inspection Mode.

Sorry, no offense towards you personally meant, but this is as lame an excuse as they come.
This isn't down to technological limitations, this is down to corporate greed, or rather: shareholder greed.
They simply wanted to cash in on the XMAS sales period, which is the strongest of the year, and they also simply wanted to cash in on as many platforms as possible, never mind the consequences ... hence the PS4/XBone desaster.

This is exactly what happens when companies stop caring about their customers, their loyal supporters, and begin caring, to the exclusion of everything and everyone else, about their bottom line!

We've seen this exact same thing with Blizzard, EA, Activision... I just never thought CDPR would enter such ignoble a company, what with CDPR initially having set out to prove these very bad business models obsolete.
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feel free to commune with the angry pitchfork weilding last-gen users then, even some pc users are struggling, if they had had added everything, the majority of the threads would be " it runs like crap..fix your game" so they're damned if they do and damned if they don't.

That's down to non-existing optimisation and polish, aka rushed release.

GTA V runs fine on last gen.
Detroit Become Human runs fine on last gen.
HZD runs fine on last gen.

This isn't about technological limitations.
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