Well, provide another means of reaching the Crystal Palace. By setting lore, nomads have ties with many powerful factions, including the Highrides — the orbital space porters. Setting provides many opportunities, and nomads have no less powerful ones, than fixers
Most likely. I just surprised that people imagine nomads as Mad Max barbarians, whereas according to the Cyberpunk RED rulebook they control air, land and sea cargo logistics
Hey, just a quick question I have, I'm wondering if people on here would rather sacrifice multiplayer and get more than 2 expansions and the avg amount of DLC? Or if they would rather we get just as much DLC as we did from the witcher and in a few years time see Cyberpunk multiplayer?
Personally I would rather see more single player expansions, but I want to hear all your thoughts too.
i don't think multiplayer is needed there just needs to be a higher level cap and more content. I think the level cap should be 100. i'd also like to see random encounters were npc just start shooting it out randomly instead of these marked areas. i can max out my street cred and level before going half way threw the main quest. maybe another part of the skill tree too i always end up with perk points i dont need
We'll be getting DLC for sure, but I'm talking about getting more DLC than initially promised as a trade off for having no multiplayer. Would you rather have more than 2 big single player expansions? (4 maybe?) Or would you rather have 2 and get a multiplayer mode down the line?
If multiplayer is done in the same style as the base game then they should just not do multiplayer. I've already been fairly critical with the direction they chose for CP77 which is far from the game it was based off of. Just Cyberpunk and Night City are the only factors that resemble the pen and paper game and they rest was a crap shoot thrown in to a looter shooter
I would like more SP DLC for CP2077. I would still like to see more Cyberpunk games, maybe not a sequel exactly. Multiple endings are great but which one would be canon? How diluted would a sequel have to be to cater for all the outcomes in the first game? V would have to just become a mysterious legend like Morgan Blackhand I reckon.
If they do another Cyperpunk game, and I really hope they do, maybe some optional co-op would be fun. Not sure how to balance that though for solo play. Maybe add some NPC companions? I would also like to see less of the multiple endings / dying character / loop-back-to-the-penultimate-save-file vibe. Fallout 3 was the same, kinda killed it for me. A more Skyrim approach, many stories and some repeatable things like the guild missions and dragon hunts. Open world, open ended.
Multiplayer in what sense? Being able to coop in main game, play the story with friends and generally run around night city? Sign me up for multiplayer mode!
We talking pvp arenas and game modes like king of the hill? Gimme the extra single player content.
It does not matter. They can't even deliver the game they advertised. Let alone expansions or multiplayer. My prediction is that CP is dead. They are going to release something small and stupid and then move on to another game. CDPR is no longer the Indie give a shit company. Its all about the cash and they made what they needed off of us.
It does not matter. They can't even deliver the game they advertised. Let alone expansions or multiplayer. My prediction is that CP is dead. They are going to release something small and stupid and then move on to another game. CDPR is no longer the Indie give a shit company. Its all about the cash and they made what they needed off of us.
You must be a JOY at parties....can y'all just...not? They fixed the game. It may not be what they promised, but it's pretty damn close. There's being critical, then theres' being salty just to be salty and to ruin experiences for other players....don't be THAT guy.
They originally promised this and I think they should stick with it. There is so much to Night City that gamers have yet to see. Pacifica was just a small piece and there is the land beyond the outskirts of the NOMAD territory that is not accessible either. But why not bring it close to home by opening up more of the Mega Buildings to us. More apartments, NPC interaction, companions and etc. The list could go on for pages. In my opinion, there is so much more to do with places like Lizzy's Bar and the Clouds, that we have yet to see.
I don't think Night City should be focused so much around Arasaka. In my opinion, that should have just been one story. Anyone remember Mike Pondsmith making a statement about Jonny Silverhand's memories not being 100% accurate. Who knows, what information was off and how much was actually true.
It does not matter. They can't even deliver the game they advertised. Let alone expansions or multiplayer. My prediction is that CP is dead. They are going to release something small and stupid and then move on to another game. CDPR is no longer the Indie give a shit company. Its all about the cash and they made what they needed off of us.
Adding multiplayer as people imagine without adding content to support it makes little sense so I think multiplayer is a much bigger task since it’s like creating an expansion pack and supporting multiplayer Think GTA or RDR 2 Online. But I think it is far better for both players and CDPR then just releasing a couple of expansions.
For me it comes down to this. Cyberpunk 2077 is a pretty awesome game because of the game world, the characters, the stories, the music and all that. It’s about being immersed in that world and enjoying the stories told in it. It’s living the fantasy of a cyber future. Thinking about what might come for better or worst.
I think the game has huge potential for expansion as people want more of it specially now that it is a lot more stable.
One thing Multiplayer can achieve is make it viable for companies to support a game in the long run with a gaming as a service model.
That means time and money that would help CDPR to finish all the features they had planned such as the metro system, a flying taxi service, the ”wall running with blades“ feature, improved AI and much more while also adding a lot more missions and other content.
My point is to follow a similar route as No Man’s Sky, RDR 2 Online and so on.
The thing about open world single player games these days is that they already have many of the components found in MMOs but they are better at empowering players. Even though they have less content, they focus on much better presentation, storytelling and immersion.
It’s not about consuming content. It’s about enjoying content.
The problem with online games is that humans create chaos in a mostly organized system.
That’s fun for many people but if you want to focus a bit on the story and the world it kinda breaks the immersion to see someone creating chaos while you‘re talking to a NPC.
But there are ways to control that with mission instances and such.
So yes I think multiplayer done right as I mentioned makes more sense as it offers more benefits for both players and CDPR.
I really enjoy multiplayer in role-playing games. There are several games that feature multiplayer that allow probably a higher degree of freeform role-playing than any single-player game could provide, and some of those games aren't even close to being what people would classify as a "RPG". It would definitely be great to interact with other players in Night City and see where the community goes.
Still, I would hope CDPR's first priority is providing more story-related content for the players who have stuck around for Cyberpunk 2077. The game itself is entirely single player, and I imagine most of the people who enjoyed the game just want to continue the story in some fashion, whether it's DLC chapters, or a complete expansion.
If CDPR were ever to release a multiplayer aspect of Cyberpunk, I'd personally rather it be just a separate game entirely.
Singleplayer content is always welcome, Multiplayer could be nice but i'm afraid on PC-platform it will end up the same as Grand Theft Auto Online, lots of cheaters and hackers, ending up with that endless cat&mouse game between anti-cheat system versus mp cheats&mods.
Except that the cure, if there is one, would be "provided" by Mr Blue Eyes, who is the sponsor of the contract.
No Mr Blue Eyes in the Star Ending (nor any other one)
I would say that's a bit presumptuous at this point. Yes, he's the sponsor of the contract, but he never promised V a cure as payment. He simply intuits that the reason V agreed to the mission was because deep down "you'll do anything if it means even a slim chance of survival." So, yes, that's a very clear implication that something about the Crystal Palace may lead V to a cure, but we don't know what that is or how. The casino client data might be useful in purely monetary terms, or it may have data on engineers/doctors who could help, or the data might be useful to somebody else who could cure V in exchange... who knows.
Btw, very important to note is how contradictory the dialogue can be for that ending, particularly here:
MBE: If we succeed, you'll gain more than you could possibly imagine.
V: Time for gaining anything's long past; now I've got nothing left to lose.
That implies a couple things (although I have a feeling it's just the writing trying to sound poetic at the cost of contradicting MBE's earlier comment):
1. it suggests V won't admit that survival is driving her even if it actually still is (personally I think MBE is bang on correct);
2. it suggests MBE has NOT offered to provide a cure as payment for the mission (V's line of dialogue above wouldn't make sense if he had); but rather MBE has probably pitched to V that this mission will open so many doors for V that perhaps even a cure is possible.
Adding further confusion to the whole thing is the fact that Delemain tells V (before even speaking to MBE) that she has practically unlimited resources at her disposal already. So, erm, either the writing is a bit inconsistent for the Sun ending, or there's something very specific about the Crystal Palace that her existing resources and money can't provide.
Anyway the point is, I don't think MBE is necessarily needed for a cure; it may be that the mission itself and that client data is all that's needed. It wouldn't be hard for the writers to find alternate paths to the casino if they want.
Don't forget that above all, The Sun Ending is V who is decided to be a THE legend amound the legends.
So simply complete a heist in the Crystal Palace, something which never attempted and which seem impossible would make V a true legend (more than Rogue, Johnny, Smasher,...)
So indeed, nothing to loose because 6 months, money is not important because V is the AfterLife boss. Only matter is to achieve something that no one never achieved before (not matter if V die at the end, V's legend will be written for good).
Anyway, in the current state of the game, the only little hope to find a cure, it's with MBE (it can change in the futur expansion, who know^^)
Don't forget that above all, The Sun Ending is V who is decided to be a THE legend amound the legends.
So simply complete a heist in the Crystal Palace, something which never attempted and which seem impossible would make V a true legend (more than Rogue, Johnny, Smasher,...)
So indeed, nothing to loose because 6 months, money is not important because V is the AfterLife boss. Only matter is to achieve something that no one never achieved before (not matter if V die at the end, V's legend will be written for good).
Anyway, in the current state of the game, the only little hope to find a cure, it's with MBE (it can change in the futur expansion, who know^^)
Do we know what's at the Crystal Palace to make it worth all this trouble (besides rich assholes)? I mean, it's just some fancy space station. Also, side note: surely they can see V coming from space, right? Surely the Crystal Palace security isn't that blind.
Crystal Palace "While the European Space Agency technically owns the Crystal Palace, it is in fact used by all space-capable nations, each of which maintains an embassy on the Palace for its nationals. Living space is leased by the ESA to the highest bidders on a twenty year renewable basis. In turn, the ESA maintains emergency services, general security, and station upkeep."
If there is a place in the world where the richest of the richest go, where secrets are kept/exchanged, new technologies invented, it is there
If I remember, MBE explain that the security system will be disable (by him or someone behind him) for a short while, just enough for V to reach and get into into the station (alone and in space suit to stay as discret as possible. Just visually spotting something the size of a human in space is very, very difficult). And once inside, it seems to me that V will be alone and can only count on herself (no outside help will be possible)
i kinda think this is exactly what there doing. Its the same with the corpo ending when you dont sign yourself into slavery. It just ends with implied death in xx time and nothing else. Very Cyberpunkish but also kinda annoying. Alot of the chains ends this way in this game and i think the writer even said he liked doing that so im not sure we will ever know what happend too V.
Can you remember which writer said that? If you have a link that would be great.
If it's true then that... doesn't bode well. If V was never supposed to survive in the end then I question their decision to focus so much of their story on finding a cure. That would basically mean that every main quest from Act 2 onwards was essentially a red herring.
IMO, if that really was their goal then it would've been better to establish earlier in the story that a cure was impossible (let's say, the end of Act 2); then have V accept that fact and shift the focus of Act 3 on to something else e.g. revenge, or going out with a bang, or, I dunno, spending your remainding days with your loved ones; epilogue could've been a reflective post-death thing. But they didn't do that; instead her character arc is stuck at a peak at the end of Act 1 and beginning of Act 2. Act 2, where's V at? Finding a cure. Act 3 where's V at? Finding a cure. Epilogue? STILL TRYING TO FIND A CURE (unless she killed herself or went with Alt, in which case the main character won't even get an epilogue, lol). IMO, if your main character is still on the same objective that late in the story, the only good reason to do so is to complete that objective. But, yeesht, they didn't do that either.
Huh, I'm suddenly realising that Johnny has a better character arc than V does... All the more reason to want the expansion to give V a cure gosh darn it!
Don't forget that above all, The Sun Ending is V who is decided to be a THE legend amound the legends.
So simply complete a heist in the Crystal Palace, something which never attempted and which seem impossible would make V a true legend (more than Rogue, Johnny, Smasher,...)
So indeed, nothing to loose because 6 months, money is not important because V is the AfterLife boss. Only matter is to achieve something that no one never achieved before (not matter if V die at the end, V's legend will be written for good).
Again, not necessarily true. The possibility of a cure exists in most of the endings (Nomad, Crystal Palace, and the Arasaka endings), not just the Crystal Palace one. An expansion could expand any of those.