Yenn - Invocation needs a nerf

... I have about 5 times come across opponents with Yen, Vinsent, Vilgefortz, scenario, 4-6 cards I with poison. And this is still enough to add a block, transfer from one row to another, cleaning, and so on. How to play against this? ...

I guess you spam small units and remove every engine and order card, banish artifacts, etc. But nilfgaard has always been and probably will always be bullshit. Hated everything about it in beta and since I came back to the game a few weeks back I see that aside from cosmetics, nothing about NG has changed.
Okay, you saved her from the poison (impossible, but okay) - she will be destroyed by Vincent. Are you left with something else? There Vilgefortz. And even if you are incredibly lucky, you have coped with all the troubles - there is a Yen that will take your main card at any time of the final round. Seriously. I have about 5 times come across opponents with Yen, Vinsent, Vilgefortz, scenario, 4-6 cards I with poison. And this is still enough to add a block, transfer from one row to another, cleaning, and so on. How to play against this?

That Vincent card should be reworked, it is horrendous because it destroy an unit with ANY status - Defender counts, Shield counts, resilience counts - that is just BS as hell. It should destroy an unit when it is poisoned, blocked, condemned, alas a BAD stats.

It is so rage quiting when you deploy a Defender and it is countered by a DESTROY ALL CARD. It is impossible to play against NG.


Forum veteran
To me, its interesting that Nilfgaard seems to originate more hate and calls for nerfs than NR or Scoia.

I wont say NG is balanced right now, in fact i agree that it probably needs a nerf to the poison archetype, maybe even to Yen's Invocation since it can deal with absolutely anything, units or artefacts.

However, for those that have been playing Gwent for long - and im only going as far as HC launch for this theory - NG is a faction that was never at the bottom, and always close to the top, but never at no. 1 spot. But more importantly, it's a faction that seems to counter the meta decks that go 'borderline gamebreaking OP':

-it was the counter to tall monsters back in the day, with the best options for tall removal
-the counter to NR engine overload by Meve or Ada+Hubbert, with locks and seize
-i guess it was the counter to Svalblod's domination with Hyperthin NG
-back in August, Usurper and Seize NG were the only counters to Foltest and Dijkstra's absurd decks
-now seem to be the only faction that can put up a fight vs NR Seize or SC Harmony

I wonder if these players complaining about NG are Pincer Maneuver and Mystic Echo players, because that would be so hilarious/hypocritical.
Because it's much easier to counter NG poison that harmony or siege, just play swarm or deathwish, if you want to beat NG so badly.
I wonder if these players complaining about NG are Pincer Maneuver and Mystic Echo players, because that would be so hilarious/hypocritical.
Because it's much easier to counter NG poison that harmony or siege, just play swarm or deathwish, if you want to beat NG so badly.

FYI, I play Skellige, NG and Monsters... only time I can win against NG is playing NG... which is boring as hell...
And I just started playing NG because... you know... we need Rewards to move forward or become a P2Wallet!

P.S. Edit

And the game becomes even more frustrating when 4 out 5 classic games IS AGAINST NG.
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Invocation is a silly design, same as a number of other zero setup removals. Anything that can instantly remove anything from the board should either require some setup, or be limited in potential for what it can remove.

While on one hand things like Scenarios are overpowered at the moment, on the other hand you've got flexible tech cards like this that cause unreasonable risk and caution in placing certain things on the board. It's not as fun as it could be. It's reminiscent of old NG alchemy with viper witchers instantly deleting everything.

Having said that, cards like Invocation or Heatwave can be fairly useless against low value swarm where you get rid of something maybe with 5 or 6 value. Though of course right now this isn't applicable.

But while NG has some mechanics out of line, I believe things like mystic echo harmony and pincer manoeuvre siege are more oppressive to play against.
-now seem to be the only faction that can put up a fight vs NR Seize or SC Harmony
Sorry, but no. You can always have someone in your deck who destroys the artifact. You can always keep the blocker in the deck. You can always have Javier destroy the cards in the discard. These cards are available for any deck and any faction. But no one has so many destruction cards when placing them. Moreover, these are better cards than neutral ones, which are available to everyone.

Moreover, they are cheaper. For example, Korathi = 10, Yen = 9 and this is despite the fact that the card goes to your opponent in the deck, and getting a Nilfgaard card from the deck during the game is not a problem at all. It should cost at least 12, although, as for me, it should have been redone at all. Then again, Vincent Vilgefortz. In addition, the deck that I described above is quite easy to fit Sweers.

But that's not all. Do you know how much poison is placed in this very deck destroyer with Calvert's abilities? Two "King Kobra" (4+4), two "Fangs of the Empire" (4+4), two "Rot Tosser" (5+5, it's 4 poisons at best), two "Devil's Puffball" (6+6, it's 4 poisons too), "Cupbearer" (7), Maraal (9) Scenario (14, 2 poisons). 17 poison points at the best (!!!!) for 68 provision. Really? In the best case, you will not have more than 3-4 clearing cards in your deck. In your hand, you will not hold more than two per round and, at the same time, different ones, because then you simply do not have enough points to win the round. 3-4 clearing cards for 17 poisons? No chance. (+ Basilisk venom, 18).

Again, if there was only an argument about poison, you could argue. You could even fight it off. If they didn't have 3 destroying all cards in their deck, one of which will send your best one to the opponent's deck.
Sorry, but no. You can always have someone in your deck who destroys the artifact. You can always keep the blocker in the deck. You can always have Javier destroy the cards in the discard. These cards are available for any deck and any faction. But no one has so many destruction cards when placing them. Moreover, these are better cards than neutral ones, which are available to everyone.

Moreover, they are cheaper. For example, Korathi = 10, Yen = 9 and this is despite the fact that the card goes to your opponent in the deck, and getting a Nilfgaard card from the deck during the game is not a problem at all. It should cost at least 12, although, as for me, it should have been redone at all. Then again, Vincent Vilgefortz. In addition, the deck that I described above is quite easy to fit Sweers.

But that's not all. Do you know how much poison is placed in this very deck destroyer with Calvert's abilities? Two "King Kobra" (4+4), two "Fangs of the Empire" (4+4), two "Rot Tosser" (5+5, it's 4 poisons at best), two "Devil's Puffball" (6+6, it's 4 poisons too), "Cupbearer" (7), Maraal (9) Scenario (14, 2 poisons). 17 poison points at the best (!!!!) for 68 provision. Really? In the best case, you will not have more than 3-4 clearing cards in your deck. In your hand, you will not hold more than two per round and, at the same time, different ones, because then you simply do not have enough points to win the round. 3-4 clearing cards for 17 poisons? No chance. (+ Basilisk venom, 18).

Again, if there was only an argument about poison, you could argue. You could even fight it off. If they didn't have 3 destroying all cards in their deck, one of which will send your best one to the opponent's deck.

Well said!

We can talk yet about the Aristocrat (Two of them can Block - The other will do 2 damage in a status card, which the game don't verify if is a Good status - Defender, Resilience, Shield - or Bad Status - Poison, Block, Condemned) cards needed to deploy the Thirsty Dame (that will be buffed every time they use poison or block).

There is no enough provision in any Faction to Purify, Block, Banish, Damage, Redefine or COUNTER NG if not playing NG and get more lucky than you opponent on the RNG Draw.
I don't know about you guys but I'm using Ofiri merchants unironically to get my card back vs Yen's invo.
Many even forfeit when I do XD
Also with SK SV(discard) you can wait to be invoed or bait yenn's invo with Gedyneith, Defender, many good cards trigger a knee jerk invo... then once the oponent uses Yenn, you use Ofiri Merchant, get your card back, use 1 discard and there you have your card again.
I thank them everytime, of course.

I'm sure there's some more combos vs yenn, you just need to dig deep.


Forum regular
But having a tech card that counters specific faction isn't the best solution. In my opinion NG gets the hate as it counters fun - if you built deck with some cool combo it will get countered and your best cards will be played against you with Invocation and Bribery. ST harmony will outpoint you but will not wipe your board. NR may wipe your board but not with your own cards :coolstory:. Also NR doesn't run poison.
Both NR and NG (and ST) can be repugnantly effective, and I'm not one that enjoys the prevalence of the same 3-4 decks...
But I win sometimes, vs all, I'm heavily unfavoured, but that's my problem, I choose to play anything but the meta. So I won't be blaming whomever chooses a better deck. I just never would play meta decks because it makes me feel like an "anything that Drac would edit" hole.

As long as I can at least squeeze some wins, then I have no problem fighting these decks other than boredom and frustration sometimes. Again that's my prerogative.
To be honest in current NG removal which feels like Alchemy Viper Witchers on Steroids Yen Ivo feels kind of like the last straw especially with all the NG possibilities ( War Council, Tactical Decision, Roderick of Dun Tynne, Matta) to replay that Card or the Scenario they put back with assire. Whenever they play that sh... Card and steal one of my top Units i need to calm myself that i don't throw my laptop out of the nearest window.

Like last time stealing my Gigni and wiping a complete row with it in one turn, damn Card should at least have a provision Limit like take a max 9 Provision Card and put it on top of your Deck or allow it only to steal Bronze Cards and remove some Provisions would still be good for a Assimilate Decks.

I don't play the NR or ME Harmony Decks but those are probably still the ones who can compete against that NG Cancer although i haven't seen a single NR Deck on Rang 2 in the last few Days the only thing i saw is Tactical Decision Poison, Lockdown Poison ME Harmony and a few fools like me who try to survive with non Meta Decks.

What bothers me the most about current NG is whenever i am in the Deckbuilder trying to build a Deck with some strange ideas that don't revolve around spawning millions of low strength units, i realize "well against NG your kind of F...d" and i delete that Deck.
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... What bothers me the most about current NG is whenever i am in the Deckbuilder trying to build a Deck with some Strange ideas that don't revolve around spawning millions of low strange units, i realize "well against NG your kind of F...d" and i delete that Deck.
What's even worse is is if you want to be competitive with NG and go to the deckbuilder, see the cards and say "Well, to be competitive, I have to put these cards in my deck". And you end with pretty much the same deck.

With the current CHEAP Poison support Invocation may seem like too much, maybe she needs to put the card somewhere in your deck and not on the top of it, like Decoy does, or maybe she should go back like she was in Beta (replay a special card from your Graveyard). Regardless, I think Poison is more in line to be looked at than the card itself. It's just annoying and frustrating, limits the F&^% out of the design space and absolutely anti fun. Just like the gazillion NR removal BS.

As for me, I just stopped playing Ranked at R5. It's not worth the nerves.
Scenerios are really good for factions, and they're artficats and so many decks are running scenerios. Their granted cards gives you tempo and synergy which snowball effects are insane. People not playing only these cards, they're playing Caretaker with Scenerios. Which means playing only artifact removals doesn't help so much.

Yen Con is better than heatwave because it's a faction card and in every card game, faction,class etc. restricted cards to some other decks are better than neutral cards, if they have similar effects. And the Nilfgaard's principles depends on distrupt your opponent plays, for example Nilfgaard has spies which fills the opponent side of the board to get max value of the cards, Nilfgaard has so many lock options, opponent can't use their ability. Nilfgaard has Courier, Cantarella etc, to distrupt your opponent draws and use their ability for your purposes, bribery has the same ability, Viper Witchers also discards your opponent cards, Morvran ability actually has same principle, you are buffing your units against removal options etc. Yen Con has the same principle, to distrupt your opponent any play.

If opponent plays Yen Con with Calveit's ability, there is nothing you can do but for the other abilities, there is a solution. If you are playing any card which is really important for you, you could play defenders, yen con can't override the defender, Nilfgaard has to purify it before the yen con but you probably get good value from the card. If you haven't provision for that, you could play new expansions 4 provision card, idk the name but it must be Oliferi Merchant. It's ability is simple, swap your top card with your opponent top card, the card which be yen conned could be saved like that. That card is really solid, 4 points for 4 provision, 4 provision easily replaceable. If your opponent not a Nilfgaard, mulligan that card, if you still get that card, you could play that on round 3 for nothing.

I don't see any reason the nerf Yen Con. But about scenerios, maybe they could be beta CA spies, after their counter hits zero, can't be usable again. I mean using caretaker on them won't help the summon cards.
If opponent plays Yen Con with Calveit's ability, there is nothing you can do but for the other abilities, there is a solution. If you are playing any card which is really important for you, you could play defenders, yen con can't override the defender,

Your argument falls flat here, because before play Yen, NG can play Vincent Van Moorlehem in the Defender unit. Yeah it is BS as it sounds.
Is the most broken thing is a unit that can deal with Defenders without any set up. NG has it all.
If opponent plays Yen Con with Calveit's ability, there is nothing you can do but for the other abilities, there is a solution. If you are playing any card which is really important for you, you could play defenders, yen con can't override the defender,
Your argument falls flat here, because before play Yen, NG can play Vincent Van Moorlehem in the Defender unit. Yeah it is BS as it sounds.
Is the most broken thing is a unit that can deal with Defenders without any set up. NG has it all.
You would even need a Skill like Pincer to place that important Card next to your Defender in the same Turn or the Defender is removed before you can place that important Card, i'm not a big Fan of Defenders anyway but current NG has kind of made them completely useless.

Ofiri Merchants doesn't help much either everyone now runs Cantarella probably because of Yen Ivo. The only good thing about Ofiri Merchants is that you can give them the Golem back they placed on top of your Deck with Cynthia, but against every other Faction that card is kind of useless.

I hope the removal of full mill value for reworked cards is a sign that a lot of Cards are getting changed in the next Patch.
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I wonder if these players complaining about NG are Pincer Maneuver and Mystic Echo players, because that would be so hilarious/hypocritical.
Because it's much easier to counter NG poison that harmony or siege, just play swarm or deathwish, if you want to beat NG so badly.

Ha. I am consistent in that I want them all nerfed/changed. I want leaders dramatically changed. All play two cards at once leaders should be heavily nerfed or changed to something else.

Scenerios I would prefer be eliminated from the game just like all ridiculous artifacts. That most likely won't happen though so I want them nerfed to have a cooldown and be doomed. Then if the devs really insist on keeping these types of artifacts they need to add some more artifact removal.


Forum veteran
Ha. I am consistent in that I want them all nerfed/changed. I want leaders dramatically changed. All play two cards at once leaders should be heavily nerfed or changed to something else.

Scenerios I would prefer be eliminated from the game just like all ridiculous artifacts. That most likely won't happen though so I want them nerfed to have a cooldown and be doomed. Then if the devs really insist on keeping these types of artifacts they need to add some more artifact removal.

Scenarios have a really good concept, one of the most original things they added in Gwent in 2019, but unfortunately, they are too strong for their provision cost, making entire decks centered all around them, which creates binary matchups.

And even worse, they synergize with the already powerful leaders that can play another card in a turn, widening the gap between these leaders and all the rest, so yes, i agree that the root of the problem it's these leaders and they need a nerf.
Yen Con is better than heatwave because it's a faction card and in every card game, faction,class etc. restricted cards to some other decks are better than neutral cards, if they have similar effects.
I don't see any reason the nerf Yen Con.

Here's an example of how Faction vs Neutral actually should work: Call of Nature. It's similar to Royal Decree, and has THE SAME provision cost. It BOOSTS by 1 when it plays a card, as opposed to Decree just playing a card, BUT it can also play ONLY Scoia units, as opposed to ANY unit for the decree.

Now, we have Yen Invocation ( NOT Con) vs Heatwave. It's 1 less provision, AND unlike CoN it has no faction limitations, only faction benefits, AND instead of just banishing, it STEALs ANY card and enables you to use it, so it has zero drawbacks in performance.

But there's "no reason to nerf it" because it... "does what NG is known for"? Is that logic?


Forum regular
Abilities that play another card could be limited to bronze cards only. Mobilization is hardly OP (Siege scenerio synergy excluded).
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