Not gonna happen, don't worry^ Please no
Not cannibal - Michael Kohlhaas...No cannibal is allowed to play my boy Geri
Too bad this thread is not just about fan art... :thumbdown:
I mean hundreds of screenshots? And now even real life pictures? Where's the art? Hm...
Too bad this thread is not just about fan art...
If this was only about fanart, then there would be like max 2 pages. Because new fanart doesn't come every day.
So what?
Screenshots were a fanart once as well. But artists spent dozends of hours for ONE shot and didn't spam forums with hundreds of them, barely changed or sophisticated at all. That's only slowing the whole forum down. :smiling:
I just don't understand what's wrong with posting nice screenshots hereSince people cannot do this in the 'official' Yen thread anymore, here's the place for it.
same animation with Triss's kiss :scared:
screenshots, videos, gifs
Not hundreds of them for dozens of pages
That's just spamming imo...