Yennefer vs Zoltan: Animal tamer

Yennefer vs Zoltan: Animal tamer

Perhaps I'm not the first to notice that Yen and Zoltan:Animal tamer both cost the same, have the same strength, just the buff/debuff differs. Yen got all the board covered (except gold) and zoltan only 4 units to the right of the parrot spawn. Both cards are literally the same only Yen has a better buff.
Zoltan's card needs to be changed in some way, perhaps crafted for 200 scraps instead of 800, or a change of the buff altogether.
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Yen (de)buffs the whole board, while Zoltan only (de)buffs up to 4 units on a row. So it's situational as to which card is better. If you have many more or far less units than the opponent, Yen is still the better option. Then there are also specific combos like the SK wound deck with Yen.
How is it situational?
Yen will do at least as good as Zoltan (in case of only few units in one row) or much better (in case of many units and a wide board spread). I can't imagine any situation in wich Zoltan can be better then Yen, since their cost is the same. Maybe I'm missing something?
If Zoltan could be crafted for 200 scraps he would be the low budget version of the +2 buff/debuff otherwise its a pretty dead card.
panerola;n8220060 said:
Yennefer is buffing (or debuffing) the opponents cards too. Zoltan only the row you are interested (yours or your opponent).

I thought i missed something. :hmm:
I run 'em both in my Ge'els deck, working pretty damn well. Almost always have more units on board than my opponent for Yen (pretty self-destructive to use Chironex instead of Unicorn), and then either use Zoltan to buff up a line of Rabid Wolves/Shadows/Foglets, e.t.c. OR to delete some Fogged opposing units.
Yenn is a good card for NR unit-based decks for the sole reason she spawns 2 gold cards and thanks to NR faction ability she generates nearly enough strength to match the gold card strength minimum without taking in account her effect which can be quite devastating with proper use

its a shame she doesnt affect gold units anymore though but you can use that to your advantage too
Lexandre;n8224130 said:
its a shame she doesnt affect gold units anymore though but you can use that to your advantage too

Especially with NR Henselt deck
Unicorn is a pimp if you play Bekker's Twisted Mirror. Especially in Round 3.

Yen is the better card by far, for value in play and value in crafting. Zoltan: AT suffers not only from positioning, but also from the fact that he is no longer affected by Barclay Els. The only benefit he has is that unlike Yen, he doesn't help your opponent/hurt you as panerola mentioned.
Yennefer vs Zoltan: Animal Trainer

Both of these cards are Neutral, Gold and cost 800 scraps to craft. The Yennefer card either adds 2 to all your non-gold units on the board or removes 2 from all your opponents non-gold cards on the board. Z:AT adds 2 to all your non-gold units one one row but also gives you a 1 strength card on that row, or removes 2 from all your opponents non-gold cards on a row while also giving them a 1 strength card.

My question is: what's the point in having 2 neutral cards that are so similar? Before the patch, Z:AT did its add/remove through the use of a 4 strength card. This could be really useful if you were row stacking and were then going to buff the same row afterwards. Now, however, since the patch which has nerfed (rightly, IMO) the preponderance of row stacking Z:AT seems a defunct card; there's no real reason to use it instead of Yennefer as the 1 strength card it utilises is not worth sacrificing Yennefer's buff effect across all rows.

Am I missing something here or should anyone thinking of crafting either Yennefer or Z:AT automatically chose Yennefer?
265feral;n8342230 said:
The Yennefer card either adds 2 to all your non-gold units on the board or removes 2 from all your opponents non-gold cards on the board.

This is what you are missing. Yennefer does not buff your units or debuff your opponent's. She buffs or debuffs the entire board. So, Zoltan Animal Tamer will always be +15 if buffing all four possible non-gold units on your side. Z:AT will also always be +6 / -7 if debuffing all four possible non-gold units on the opponent's side (13 pt swing). Yennefer Buffs or debuffs the entire board, so she will bring +7 STR on her own. However, you must have four more non-gold creatures than the opponent to get a +15 swing when buffing, or three less non-gold creatures than your opponent to get the 13pt swing when spawning Chironex. If you are even or within 1-3 units of the opponent, then Yennefer won't be the better choice.

Yennefer is better in decks that consistently have greater numbers of small to mid units or significantly less units, Z:AT is better in decks that have consistent numbers of units or a deck that is row-heavy.
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