Your idea of a perfect closure

garrusbiggestfan said:
I want the option to ride off with triss or yennefer or ves

Yep i'd certainly like one variant where Geralt gets a somewhat happy ending with Triss/Yen etc
I don't think that Geralt will die, because of some words I noticed in the interviews with the developers and because it won't be very creative for him to die again. I don't think he'll die, but I don't think it's going to be a happy ending.
Hm its possible he dies but
maybe Triss wont be that clean handed
who knows but WHAT the fuck who voted for Yen ?
And I THINK TO 100% that you can affect the story and ending so geralt dies or not. so if you played right . geralt and other characters will survive
NicolasF said:
Wasn´t he confirmed alive around 100 years after Rivia in Season of Storms?

No, Season of Storms is set before the Nilfgaard wars. (This according to Kodaemon, who has been translating it.) To the extent that Sapkowski is even interested in presenting a consistent chronology, it comes between the short stories and the saga.
I vaguely remember someone mentioning that although the new book is set before the novels, it ends with a strong hint that Geralt is still around after his supposed death.
ReptilePZ said:
I vaguely remember someone mentioning that although the new book is set before the novels, it ends with a strong hint that Geralt is still around after his supposed death.
That sounds pretty good to me if it's true, but I think that what happened in the books after Geralt's death is different to what happens to him in the games, right? Meaning that the games are not canon.

Anyway I really have a feeling that Geralt will eventually fall after fulfilling his destiny in TW3, and the reason is basically that the previous games are heavily infulenced from the books (at a point where you can say some things were Copy pasted), but not in the bad way because the games for me were still perfect storywise.

Can't wait to find out :)
Mariusmssj said:
No Witcher has died of old age. I hope he gets an honourable death
I couldn't agree with you more. I wanna see Geralt's story end by him dying for something he cares about, and not dying of old age.
Plus I really like your Prince of Persia thumbnail. Warrior Within is still one of my favorites.
Just guessing here, but the whole saga is too Arthurian for these possibilities to be overlooked:

In at least one ending, he will be betrayed by someone he loved or trusted. It will not be an unfair ending; it will be one about which you will be able to say in hindsight "you chump, you should have seen that coming."

In at least one ending, he will return to the Isle of Avallach he was torn away from with Yennefer.

In at least one ending, Dandelion will compose a legend that makes him a "king under the mountain" like Arthur or Holger Danske or St. Wenceslas.

"Call it out loud ... and more softly ... more and more softly ... more and more softly: You have risen up too early, White Wolf! Go back to sleep, ancient witcher."
(with apologies to Gustav von Meyern)
Best ending for me is happy ending.

After all fighting, hunting and killing, he deserve some rest. W3 story could be one of the hardest thing he has to do, but after that, he should have his life with his beloved ones. And I don't like idea, where all my effort and all things I do would lead just to death.

I don't want to see some heroic death scene or other predictable and repetitive crap from Hollywood. He already 'died' (just like other main characters close to him), so some death (attempt no.2) would be silly.

It could be great idea to save all his friends by completing all (or important) sidequests. This can also solve problem with playing after end of storyline .. if you deal with everything before end of story, you will get the best ending. I think - not many players would miss some quest :) ..
Shawnkh said:
Geralt can die, since CPR has confirmed that you cannot free roam after the story comes to an end.

Not necessarily, they could just have a better sense of dramatic progression than other companies. Having to go hunting 10 nekkers after whatever happens at the end would be kind of anticlimatic.

What I read about Season of Storms in one of its threads was that in the epilogue Nimue was saved by Geralt, mentions the arturian myth about returning when needed, and Geralt uses a new (in the sense he hasn´t used it before onscreen) sign so she forgets about him.
Ugh. I'm so sick of games where the hero has to die in the end already. After all Geralt has been through I want him to ride off into the sunset for his happy ending. If that makes me a pansy, so be it. :p
Arowynn said:
Ugh. I'm so sick of games where the hero has to die in the end already. After all Geralt has been through I want him to ride off into the sunset for his happy ending. If that makes me a pansy, so be it. :p
I'm tired of games where the hero rides off into the sunset and lives happily ever after beating all odds. This is not what Witcher is about, last time a peasant killed Geralt in a random event meaning the Witcher world is not rainbow and sunshines.
Well, since I believe there are supposed to be varying endings, you take your "this is not what the witcher is about ending" and I'll take my "ride off into the sunset ending" and I won't be mad that your option exists.
Arowynn said:
Well, since I believe there are supposed to be varying endings, you take your "this is not what the witcher is about ending" and I'll take my "ride off into the sunset ending" and I won't be mad that your option exists.
Alright, fine take your F***ing "ride off into the sunset" ending and go plough yourself.

I'M JUST KIDDING. I wasn't angry in the previous post, I just wanted to point out that some bitter events always happen in the Witcher universe no matter what path you take, Kind of like the real life where somethings are out of our control.
For example Cedric's death, Morill's death, Triss getting kidnapped by Letho were events that were inevitable in Witcher 2.
It's okay, Shawn. I didn't think you were and I'm not angry either, maybe I should've added a smiley face? :) Some people are very passionate about happy vs not happy endings. And that's okay, I don't mind it so long as in a game that has choices and variety doesn't force the same thing on all players who all play differently (I'm looking at you ME3).

Ah, Cedric....I loved ya, man. *sniffle* I did actually cry at his death. :(
No Me3 ending. Sorry I had to do it. But i would like them to have a more then one ending (which they already said there will be). Also I want to be able to have a semi happy ending but you have to work for it.
For some reason I think there is gonna be a choice near the ending where you choose between triss and yennefer and I mean that it will give you a choice of one living and one dying.
I'm wondering IF CDPR is brave enough to follow Bioware footsteps of killing Geralt? Perhaps that's a best way of closure i guess.
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